Call of Duty: Zombies

How many zombies maps do you expect for BO6?

I expect not less than 7 maps especially after 4 years of development and with 2 maps at launch.


  1. LeFelinInGame

    5 maps minimum with Main EE & Side EE of course ✌️

  2. 6-7 with some new game modes to fill in gaps would be solid. Anything more would be the cherry on top!

  3. Simpy115

    5 at most. Watch Activision pull their team again to help Infinity Ward with their next tile because they’re so behind.

  4. Novel-Reference-6146

    6 guaranteed but hopefully 8 with 2 small survival maps added in the seasons where we don’t get a “main” map

  5. SoulTaker669

    Probably 7.

    We got 2 at launch. Maybe dead ops arcade so possibly 3 as a surprise if you count that ??

    I think throughout the year they can at least give us 5 maps.

  6. Admirable-Design-151

    its going to be 5, 2 on launch combined with the cold war format of 3 post launch + Outbreak if its coming back at all

  7. NovaRipper1

    It at minimum needs 8 maps, but in reality I would say it should have 16. This is the longest dev cycle a cod game has ever had. If bo4 could still manage 8 maps with its development hell then there’s no excuse for bo6 especially after seeing liberty falls. 16 should be the minimum since bo3 had 15, but I doubt that.

  8. ProtoSpector

    5. knowing activision there will be another cod game next year, and they might pull devs from treyarch to go and work on that. so with 2 at launch and a promised 3rd before 2024 is out, probably 2 more before the halfway mark of 2025 and then that will be that

  9. StAngerSnare

    5 or 6

    2 at launch, then maybe one every other season. So season 1,3,5, with new game modes and features like the device that speeds up rounds, dropping seasons 2,4,6.

    I’d love for a new map every season, but I just don’t see that happening.

  10. MonsterHunter6353

    Hoping 8. They seem to be setting up for 2 launch maps with 1 additional map each season considering they’re dropping 3 before the end of 2024

  11. N7_Evers

    I’ll take 5 bangers (not counting Liberty) over 6 irrelevant maps

  12. Agreeable-Worker-368

    I think 5 it’s one more than Cold War and in the free dlc era I don’t think they have any reason to go past that since they don’t seem interested in retaining the players who would want more.

  13. AtomicSpazz

    Here’s my expectation. We will get maybe 5 maps over it’s lifetime, but in 2027-2028 we might get Zombie chronicles 2 dlc in celebration of 20 years of zombies, since ZC was a 10 year celebration. I expect another 8 maps minimum will return from that, likely Shadows of evil, Der Eisendrache , origins, the Nacht, Kino, moon, vurruckt, Der rise, and maybe a bo4 map? Idk

  14. DrWasoof

    I think it might be 6 or 7. 2 at launch, 1 at the end of this year and 3 – 4 scattered throughout the rest of next year.

    It could also end up being 5 if Treyarch needs to push resources to Black ops 7.

  15. Ferndogs_Inc

    with round-based being the sole focus for BO6 I can see like 6-7 maps total

  16. IFunnyJoestar

    2 maps at launch with 4 DLC maps coming over the he’s life cycle. The first map is coming on December. This is the most likely option.

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