God of War Ragnarok on PC Gets Review Bombed Hours Upon Release by Gamers Due to “Random” PSN Account Requirement

God of War Ragnarok on PC Gets Review Bombed Hours Upon Release by Gamers Due to “Random” PSN Account Requirement


  1. Boo-galoo19

    I don’t understand why tbh. Most Ubisoft games require an Ubisoft account, most ea games require an ea account. Hell if you wanna play remnant 2 crossplay you have to create an epic account

  2. SuchExamination

    Deserved tbh. If it wasn’t disclosed before release then a 100% deserved.

  3. Thrimmar

    What is so random about it? we knew it was going to require PSN account months ago. yes it sucks that many people wont be able to play the game but its sony’s descision and if these people want to play it just pirate it.

  4. Mattacrator

    I wouldn’t write a negative review for that reason, but I would take away 1 point, like 3rd party launchers and other games requiring an account for no reason

  5. Eh the game isnt available for like 2/3 of the world? As i understand it any country where you can’t create a PSN account you can’t buy the game. It would receive a negative review from me if i can access the game steam page lmao. And with PSN account requirement, chances of it ever being in GOG store is basically 0. Which is sad cause GOG is going good work in providing games with no online bs.

  6. The_Kurrgan_Shuffle

    I understand the annoyance, but this was a known requirement before release

    Also shows the continuing issue with a binary review system. I just want to know if the game is fun and playable.

  7. I-Am-Baytor

    PSN on single player only games = no sale. Yaaaargh.

  8. Reaver_XIX

    How is this “Review Bombed” when it is people reacting to an unpopular Sony policy? It is getting bad reviews and rightly so.

  9. dregwriter

    Mean while those who fly the black flag dont have to deal with that at all.

    Hmmm, funny how that works.

  10. Piltonbadger

    It’s a single player game that requires a PSN account. I can understand why people are giving negative reviews regardless if they were warned it was a requirement or not.

    I’m going to board my ship and play it instead. Not giving money to Sony.

  11. Alert-Main7778

    I think this whole thing gets blown out of proportion. I get why they’re doing it – they want to being PS5 services into the fold on PC like Xbox already does on PC. you have to log into your Xbox account to launch Xbox games…

  12. Vexerino1337

    I hate that Sony requires you to have a PSN account to play this game, but holy shit bro if ppl are complaining even though it’s written in a red box on top of the buy button, then yall are some dumb mfs. Vote with your wallets.

  13. datNorseman

    I don’t want this to be the state of modern pc gaming. That being said I’d much rather it require a psn account than some unholy 3rd party launcher. Thankfully I have a huge backlog of games to play in the meantime so I can wait on this one. Maybe by the time I actually want to play it Sony will have backtracked on this nonsense. Or maybe not who knows.

  14. FeetYeastForB12

    People seems to have a degree in illiteracy

  15. kristianity77

    If you can’t buy it then just pirate it. Morally it’s fine. If you have no legal way of obtaining it, then piracy is the only option left. Doing so just hits home to Sony of the amount of sales they have left on the table, possibly totalling hundreds of thousands if not millions. Don’t downvote, just vote in the way that hurts them the most

  16. steamart360

    Why do PC gamers need a PSN account anyway? It’s not like Sony has a launcher or anything like that… yet. 

  17. UntitledCritic

    Sony is so weird with their PSN requirements. I live in a country with no PSN support so GoW:R isn’t available in my region but GoW 2018 is! Horizon games, Days Gone and Spiderman games are all here on my Steam Store but no Ghost of Tsushima! I decided to skip on all Playstation’s games to avoid later on having the games being forcible removed from my library (Helldivers 2 was available here for months before Sony decided to kick us out).

  18. RowdyB666

    Sigh…grabs peg leg, wakes up parrot…
    “Come on squarker, time to set sail”…

  19. LordBacon69_69

    Sony really be pushing hard for that PSN requirement,

    I have so many launchers & accounts for different companies It’s getting ridiculous.

  20. meltingpotato

    At least they aren’t using online drms on their games so you can pirate them even if you can’t buy them. It would be extra shitty of them if they change the drm situation tho

  21. Harklein-2nd

    I’m no longer surprised with the PSN Account requirement. After their stint with Helldivers 2 and Ghost of Tsushima I pretty much expected all Sony games moving forward from that point on are region locked. I stopped supporting PlayStation Publishing LLC after the Helldivers 2 incident and especially when they region locked Ghost of Tsushima. I no longer care how “good” their future games will be. If it’s published by Sony and PlayStation Publishing LLC It’ll be a hard pass for me.

  22. chrissage

    Proper bunch of sad little whingers, nothing wrong with linking it to a PSN account. Keep bringing these games Sony, ignore those massive bellends.

  23. NicoleMay316

    This won’t gain the same traction as Helldivers.

    It’s gonna just be accepted.

  24. JamIsBetterThanJelly

    Nice. It’s time this stops. If a game includes another account sign-up or launcher then steam should say that. I want to know before purchasing.

  25. NotJustBibbit

    I love when a singleplayer game requires an online connection

  26. FlannOff

    Why they need to harvest our data this way is beyond me. They’re sabotaging themselves on the PC market just to inflate the numbers on their dog digital platform

  27. ConstructionCalm1667

    Bunch of idiots. It takes not even 3 minutes to make an email and quick online id. Im enjoying the game so far. They should be glad there is no facial id, finger id, driver license phone number etc.

  28. Hilppari

    does not help that you cant buy it 2/3th of the world because for some reason sony wont support those countries

  29. Wait, it requires you to be online and signed in to play the game?

    That would be next level batshit crazy. Refuse to believe it.

  30. WretchedMisteak

    I’d simply not buy it just because of that requirement.

  31. At this point I believe it were some investors who made them release on PC and Sony is trying hard to bring PC sales down so they can show investors that focusing on PS exclusivity is more viable for them.

  32. FartAndShitCollector

    It doesn’t matter if it was posted in plain language imo, it’s still a dumbass requirement.

    Especially when this game is cracked already. It’s so easy to pirate it, not that I condone that.

  33. ImStupidPhobic

    What did they expect? The Helldivers 2 and Ghost of Tsushima thing were big news regarding the PSN controversy. Did they expect an anti-consumer company like Sony to randomly drop the policy and be lenient lol?

  34. Rightly so!

    Why in the hell do we need a PSN accout to play on PC…

  35. MechaStarmer

    I personally don’t care about the requirements but clearly a number of people do, and it prevents customers from buying the game in 100+ countries.

    Can someone ELI5 why Sony is doing this with all their games? How does it make them more money than selling the game in all the other countries?

  36. -idkwhattocallmyself

    I get why PC gamers are upset. Sure it’s just another login, but that’d sort of the point isn’t it? PC gamers basically have 10 logins at this point for all the stupid services trying to eat up our data, and it’s starting to get frustrating. I don’t know if PSN does this, but what grinds my gears about these services is having to re-login 6 months later, but the key is refreshed so it doesnt just auto login. Then you forget the password you used so you gotta refresh the thing, then you gotta go through that entire process to just login again. It’s such a small issue but my God does it annoy the hell out of me. Really makes it hard to just buy these games.

  37. DamianKilsby

    GTA VI will require a Rockstar account, is rhat gonna get review bombed?

    Though of course Rockstar isn’t making it unavailable in certain regions.

  38. exZodiark

    every game on steam that forces me to have a second launcher and account deserves this fate

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