There was a time when the best player got all the respect.

There was a time when the best player got all the respect.


  1. Boo-galoo19

    Tbf back then it was skill. These days in any pvp environment there’s at least one guaranteed hacker in every lobby

  2. Denaviro

    Actually no it did happen lol

    I remember 2012 in Black ops 2 whenever a prestige master came into a search & destroy lobby at the first 6 months of the games lifespan people would roast the fuck outta that guy for not having a social life or whatever

  3. FallNice3836

    When I was 12 all we did was troll anything we could find.

    Kids are stupid, that never changes.

  4. notjuandeag

    The downfall of video games is when pay to play and micro transactions became so prominent.

  5. BuyRecent470

    I liked to get good at games to hear people screaming lol. This is why competitive gaming is so good. Its good to win when someone else loses.

  6. TimelyDrummer4975

    I remember the time i was an one man army in battlefield and fortnite so many pepole were angry and sent angry messages about me cheating. Miss those times. 🤣🤣🤣

  7. I lost count of how many people said that video games are failing or falling over the decade

  8. SiberianAssCancer

    This is like a boomer Facebook post, but designed for millennials.

    “Back in my day we didn’t sit on iPads all day and cry like little girls. We climbed trees and harassed minorities!”

  9. PewpScewpin

    We always talked trash. CS, halo 1, WWF on n64, mario kart, smash. It was ALWAYS a thing among friends. Literally any competitive sport, even strangers talk trash.

  10. It’s not just a FaZe, mom!!!

    Seriously, screw those guys.

  11. crunchymush

    I remember that same kid but I told him I fucked him mom.

  12. Honestly the downfall of games is us getting older 💀

  13. Flonkerton66

    “when i was a kid” says the kid. lol

  14. Substantial-Stick-44

    Not many of us had access to mics back in the day. Also when player was too good , you would just shut up and suck it up haha

  15. fishfishcro

    back when broadband wasn’t a thing, lan parties were a thing. the better the player the harder the roast. the tighter the friendship the badder the roast.

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