
Palworld developers respond, says it will fight Nintendo lawsuit ‘to ensure indies aren’t discouraged from pursuing ideas’

Palworld developers respond, says it will fight Nintendo lawsuit ‘to ensure indies aren’t discouraged from pursuing ideas’


  1. clothanger

    full quote:

    >Regarding the Lawsuit

    >Yesterday, a lawsuit was filed against our company for patent infringement.

    >We have received notice of this lawsuit and will begin the appropriate legal proceedings and investigations into the claims of patent infringement.

    >**At this moment, we are unaware of the specific patents we are accused of infringing upon, and we have not been notified of such details.**

    >Pocketpair is a small indie game company based in Tokyo. Our goal as a company has always been to create fun games. We will continue to pursue this goal because we know that our games bring joy to millions of gamers around the world. Palworld was a surprise success this year, both for gamers and for us. We were blown away by the amazing response to the game and have been working hard to make it even better for our fans. We will continue improving Palworld and strive to create a game that our fans can be proud of.

    >It is truly unfortunate that we will be forced to allocate significant time to matters unrelated to game development due to this lawsuit. However, we will do our utmost for our fans, and to ensure that indie game developers are not hindered or discouraged from pursuing their creative ideas.

    >We apologize to our fans and supporters for any worry or discomfort that this news has caused.

    >As always, thank you for your continued support of Palworld and Pocketpair.

  2. Copyright infringement is one thing, but claiming patent infringement (and the existence of game design patents) is almost always predatory in game development.

  3. SirHomoLiberus

    All of my prayers are with Pocket Pair! Go get them!

    Fuck Nintendo!

  4. Fuck Nintendo, Pal World is far better than any recent main Pokemon game. I hope they keep at it.

  5. dieselboy93

    Palworld has some similarities to pokemon.  But it is like Capcom sued a game because it had zombies infected with a virus. 

    Nintendo believes palworld crossed the line, Nintendo has to prove it in court 

  6. Sony announcing a joint venture to expand Palworld IP definitely has nothing to do with it. Sony having their own Pokémon is not at all a problem for Nintendon’t

  7. filthy_casual_42

    I really hate how patent and copyright law forces companies to be extremely litigious and aggressive with these lawsuits. You have a company sitting on an IP and letting it rot, and then making sure that no one else can make good games either. I really hope Nintendo loses this because it’s patently ridiculous. I don’t get why this game is a nono but something like Dragon Quest Monsters is somehow fine either.

  8. SenpaiSwanky

    I’m sorry but Palworld devs didn’t have ideas. They aren’t being sued for this but they blatantly ripped off tons of Pokemon designs, the whole pokeball thing, and they dropped all of these “original indie dev ideas” into a survival game.

    Not much in the way of originality. If this was Celeste, Hollow Knight, or Hades devs saying something like this I’d get it.

    I’m not team Nintendo, don’t have a metaphorical horse in this race. Just had to say this lol, I mean come on.

    Edit – I expected this to get downvoted but I’m also 100% sure no one will be stupid enough to actually comment and disagree lmao. How could you guys?

    I know hitting that downvote button is easy because your stupidity remains anonymous. I get it.

    Edit – I’ve already had the smart idea to mute responses to this, because these folks responding here are not the brightest and I’m not interested in having my notifications blow up with these stupid arguments. I can’t even wrap my head around these perspectives lmfao.

    I was so wrong, plenty of people are stupid enough to leave their stain of an opinion under this comment. I won’t be reading them haha, get it all out I guess. Talk amongst yourselves and know that I’ll never see a word of it. Have a nice day now!

  9. Someone must sue Nintendo for pokemon also. It’s probably the most stale franchise ever

  10. xLaniakea_

    Godspeed PocketPair and Palworld. Fuck nintendo.

  11. wishing Pocketpair all the best, hopefully they can set a precedent that will protect indie devs from bullying.

  12. “our goal as a company has always been to create fun games”

    Man idk, with their track record it seems like their business practice is taking Nintendo games and rehashing them as open world survival games while avoiding copyright lawsuits, but I’m still with them on this one, Nintendo can suck it… Their formula is pretty hit or miss, but with Palworld they did create a genuinely fun game and and managed to innovate the Pokémon formula which Nintendo has been unable to for years

  13. SocksForWok

    I’m still buying Zelda this month but I haven’t bought a Pokemon game since the 3DS era and i didn’t even play the Hawaii themes games, the quality just isn’t there.

    Really wish Nintendo would step up their game instead of bullying indie devs.

  14. Fuck the corpos, Nintendo wanna throw their weight around and intimidate other devs, Palworld deserve to fight back. This is an abuse of power.

  15. eiamhere69

    It’s hilarious seeing all these Nintendo trolls crying about Palworld and defending Nintendo shenanigans.

    We have an indie/small developer, who has so far been very passionate and listened to feedback from users (I can’t comment on previous games, as I haven’t played them and there are mixed opinions reading online).

    Nintendo, whilst making billions, along with the other 2 clowns in this Pokémon rodeo, have been milking users for trillions, but being producing arguably poor material.

    The toxic Nintendo fans directing their hate in the wrong direction, is the exact reason they are unhappy with the products or services

  16. If that’s the statement they came up with, I don’t think they’ll put too much of a fight.

    It’s laughable that they are going with the “small indie company” retorich, that’s wrong on so many levels. Also, the creative part is a bit of a question mark when the CEO has said they rather just copy other ideas and mashing them up to attract popularity.

  17. Sensitive-Mountain99

    Lmao Nintendo fans frothing at the mouth that an indie company apparently stole the concept of throwing their balls at an animal

  18. Disgraced002381

    And I support Palworld fully. Palworld at core is nothing like Pokemon. It’s more like Ark. And the game is actually fun, playable, modifiable, and multi play unlike any recent Pokemon series. I like Nintendo and Pokemon, but fuck them for suing.

  19. SummerGoal

    Idk why but I suddenly want to play palworld again

  20. I really hope Nintendo eats shit on this one. Patenting game ideas just narrows the field of what innovative game ideas we can see in other games. Them winning this would set a pretty bad precedent going forward.

  21. StrangeSchwanz

    Someone really need to stop Nintendo bullying people.

  22. EshayAdlay420

    There is a high chance of this backfiring on Nintendo and possibly affecting Pokémon’s sales, depending on how Pocketpair plays the media game on this, Nintendo may finally be forced to not phone in main series Pokémon games and actually put some effort into their development, there’s also a chance the bad guy wins and Pocketpair is sued into oblivion.

  23. Next up, Nintendo patents jumping on top of enemies.

  24. Dreamer_Boy5

    imagine getting sued because of the concept of “throwing balls”
    why don’t Nintendo sue baseball too?

  25. Vegetable_Word603

    Fuck Nintendo. They had all this time to do something. They found nothing, so now they go the bullshit route.

  26. Imagine if the MOH devs sued COD back in 2003..That is what’s going on here.
    Nintendo is making themselves look like the scumbags of the gaming industry.
    There’s protecting your IP and then there’s this stupid shit.
    The fact it has taken this long for them to come up with something against Palworld speaks for itself. Nintendo I loved at one point in my life but now they’re desperate to crush anything that compares to their IPs. 🤦‍♂️

  27. Pedrosian96

    I wasn’t super interested in Palworld, never was, because it’s an interesting cool game that doesn’t really really scratch my personal taste in gaming.

    But Nintendon’t doing perfectly legitimate developers dirty? Stepping on others doing the one thing they refuse to do, *innovation?*

    I’m going to buy Palworld *out of sheer spite* just to support the company behind it. I may just end up liking the game in the end – i had other games not immediately catch my eye end up a part of my rotation before.

    Fuck Nintendo.

  28. FreshMutzz

    The game may be fun. But its not exactly creatively unique. Its basically Ark. Its just another open world survival with animal taming mechanics.

    People want to deny it, but it got popular off the back of people memeing it about being Pokemon with guns. If that never happened, much less people would have played it, even if it is a good game.

  29. “Pursuing ideas” Its very funny. They copy paste the whole “idea”.

  30. Hopefully they are ready for a small army of lawyers

  31. bootyhunter69420

    Are people still pretending that this game is original?

  32. brycejm1991

    Someone correct me if im wrong, but when Palworld was first coming out and everyone was saying “nintendo is going to sue them”, did Nintendo not come out and say they had reviewed the game already and found nothing, or did that only pertain to copyright stuff?

  33. DramaExpertHS

    Not that I want Nintendo to win but I don’t understand why these devs couldn’t at least think of a concept different than the pokeball, on top of the similarities of the creature designs.

  34. Wipedout89

    I find it hard to have any sympathy for Palworld when they ran all of the Pokémon designs through an AI rather than design any of their own creatures

    If just lazily remixing assets using AI to avoid copyright is okay then it’s going to be a shit time for artists because you can just use AI to lift work from other people.

  35. MazhabCreator

    I don’t play palworld games but i am thinking of buying them to support their fight

  36. Vatican87

    Nintendo is known for being a scumbag with this stuff

  37. ReachForTheSkyline

    Nintendo would patent the idea of a video game in general if they could. I hope they lose this case and I hope it actually shines a light on predatory behaviour like this and their patents end up getting invalidated.

  38. lucky_leftie

    I’ll donate 100 to them just to try to stick it to garbage ass Nintendo. Most anti consumer company to exist.

  39. Zestyclose-Ad4927

    Show nintendo dragon quest monsters and tell them to shut up

  40. rayhaku808

    Statement without the fluff:

    “Yesterday, a lawsuit was filed against our company for patent infringement.

    We have received notice of this lawsuit and will begin the appropriate legal proceedings and investigations into the claims of patent infringement.

    At this moment, we are unaware of the specific patents we are accused of infringing upon, and we have not been notified of such details.

    It is truly unfortunate that we will be forced to allocate significant time to matters unrelated to game development due to this lawsuit. However, we will do our utmost for our fans, and to ensure that indie game developers are not hindered or discouraged from pursuing their creative ideas.”

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