
Nintendo: stop copying us!

Nintendo: stop copying us!


  1. Flush_Man444

    People didn’t mistake a DQ monster for pokemon, I wonder why….

  2. Krider-kun

    We can insult Nintendo as much as we want but at least let’s not misinformation. Nintendo is suing Palworld not for copyright infringement but patent infringement (which is still BS btw).

  3. We all know what this is about. But no, not at all the same.

  4. SamuraiKenji

    As a DQ fans, this pic never makes any sense to me. But whatever fits your narrative, I guess.

  5. BadSince1992

    This post didn’t turn out the way you saw it would in your head, did it?

  6. JumpingCoconut

    It’s a patent lawsuit. Nobody knows about what specifically. But it’s not about copying monsters. 

    I’m just guessing here, but maybe catching pals with pokeballs wasn’t that good of an idea. 

  7. Tweaked versions of animals and mythological creatures isn’t the problem here.

  8. The only ones that look remotely similar to me here are Shellder and *maybe* Caterpie. How do you look at the vast majority of these and think “*yup, those are just copies*”

  9. FrankWoodson69

    They didnt sue for copyright, they sued for patent

  10. Hypno--Toad

    They are suing patent infringement.

    So more like how the ball wobbles or the fact that you fight gym leaders.

  11. 1) If you knew the first thing about Japanese and wider world mythology you would know these are based off the same inspiration. What’s more, what they have done with inspiration doesn’t even look remotely similar. Also, you can’t copyright “crabs”, genius…

    2) If you knew the first thing about this case you would know Nintendo is not suing over monster designs (despite many having been proven beyond reasonable doubt to be modified pokemon models) but that the case is actually over supposed patent infringements.

  12. alfadasfire

    Some of these i can sort of see, but most of these are really far fetched. Like psyduck? Sheldor? Geodude? Pidgeotwhatever? Come on it’s not even close

  13. Serious_Course_3244

    One of these is just a slime in a shell lol what a stupid picture

  14. Nightwingx97

    Yes Dragon Quest came up with Pterodactyls and caterpillars lmao

  15. kriffing_schutta

    Pokemon has a creature that is also based on a bat

    “This copied dragon quest. They came up with the concept of bats”

    Palworld uses ampharos’ exact model

    “They just took inspiration from pokemon and riffed on that general idea”

  16. Endolphine

    TIL you can captor DQ monster and train them to fight other monsters

  17. nightrogen

    Copyright law is one of the ways the world is rigged for those on top, and why everything eventually sucks.

  18. couldbedumber96

    So other than the difference between patent and copyright, palworld also straight up Pokémon’s designs, whereas pokemon has different designs than dragon quest, toriyama’s art is so unique you KNOW when you’re looking at it, the same can be said for pokemon

  19. Bowens1993

    That’s not what they’re sueing them for… it’s because they stole the pokeball mechanic.

  20. Yeah… no. People seem to always make this comparison and it’s just wrong. The only one I would even call close is ghastly and Nidoran-M. The execution of these ideas is so beyond different that even these cherry picked designs don’t really fit the narrative.

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