Cyberpunk 2077

Do you also use the same V across several playthroughs? Even without the preset mod I just tend to recreate the same V because I already associate her as the character.

Do you also use the same V across several playthroughs? Even without the preset mod I just tend to recreate the same V because I already associate her as the character.


  1. DedicatedDetective34

    What mod/s are you using to make the netrunner sleeves pop out? I’ve been searching for those.

  2. Cravensworth_redux

    Played four or five complete run throughs. Always different V. First couple I tried to make cool looking Vs, one of each gender. The last few times, I either used the skip button or went super wacky. The monster that poor Panam fell in love with last time was hilarious. “Do you want to watch a creepy cutscene in a tank?” “Uh, not this time thanks Cyberpunk”

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