Sorry sir, we are just being environmental-friendly

Sorry sir, we are just being environmental-friendly


  1. User: But Apple… USB stands for “**Universal** Serial Bus”, everyone has that port!

    Apple: We in a different universe, bitch.

  2. TheBuzziestOne

    TBH I wish the industry would pull its finger out of its arse on type-A and start moving to type-C as the default option. Since Apple finally got rid of Lightning in the iPhone, it’s my PC accessories that need different cables for everything.

  3. mifiamiganja

    I like shitting on Apple as much as the next guy, but it’s not Apple’s fault you’re still using an old USB-A stick.
    Also you can get a cheap A-to-C adapter for under five bucks if you really need one.

    USB-C is our current standard and so we should complain about everything that still uses USB-A, not the other way round.

  4. TheFragturedNerd

    TBF i do see USB C as the new standard and USB C is a must for all new equipment i buy… It’s like asking why my 2000 dollar PC can’t use VGA without an adapter

  5. aurelia_ffxiv

    What is most ridiculous is that it isn’t just some kind of cable adapter but has that absolutely massive block which probably has some kind of totally necessary microchip within..

  6. EnvironmentalSpirit2

    2 month old OP posting refried pixelated meme from what, 2014? Reddit’s a fucking cesspool now more then ever

  7. elliotborst

    Apple doesn’t use USB-C

    APPLE BAD!!!

    Apple uses USB-C

    APPLE BAD!!!

  8. Witchberry31

    The annoying thing is that there’s no actual standard indicator of what variant of cables it is when it comes to type-C. Unless, we know the cables right from the get go.

    You can have an old-ass USB 2.0 protocol on a type-C, it’s apparent as charger cables. You can also have a thunderbolt 4 type-C whose prices are still quite high.

    The tricky part is when we don’t know which type-C is which. While usually those cables with higher transfer rate are generally thicker and harder to bend around, it’s not always the case.

    It’s not helping either when most sellers don’t even have the knowledge about USB protocols.

  9. THiedldleoR

    There are USB-C sticks nowadays. Really neat since it also works with phones and transfer speeds are faster.

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