
Square Enix admits Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 16 profits “did not meet expectations”

Square Enix admits Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 16 profits “did not meet expectations”


  1. CryMoreFanboys

    who knew releasing a game on a single platform isn’t profitable

  2. TruthOrSF

    I still remember when final fantasy games weren’t action games. They were better then

  3. Silver_Song3692

    Has there been a time recently where Square *didn’t* say a game didn’t meet their expectations?

  4. IcePopsicleDragon

    Their expectations were unrealistic.

  5. FomFrady95

    Isn’t this always their reaction to a game though? I can’t remember the last time I saw Square-Enix say a game DID meet expectations.

  6. Dirty_Dragons

    No mention of how much profit was expected nor how much they earned.

  7. FF7 remake sold incredibly well because it released on a platform with 120M units sold. The ps5 is half that.

    Edit: 120M*

  8. Southern_Bicycle8111

    Delayed pc releases kill hype, then people just wait for sales it they buy at all

  9. Sulinia

    Could’ve fixed FF 16 by not dumbing down literally ALL of the RPG elements. Somehow it uses the same “open world” as FF 12, yet 12’s open world feels way more alive with more stuff to do.

    That being said, the story/cinematics of FF 16 were good.

  10. plzdonatemoneystome

    In general, I’m wondering how the game price increase is playing out for most companies. I wanted to get this game but just couldn’t swing it this year.

  11. Proper_Dimension_341

    Right… those games sold literal gangbusters. How about instead of putting such unfair expectations on the product you perhaps i dont know… not invest so much money into a product you know would you recoup the money from. Oh sorry, earn enough profit from

  12. Imzocrazy

    Maybe being exclusive to ps5 has something to do with it?

  13. GrouchyCategory2215

    Sqeenix have the most unreasonable “expectations” of ANY company.  “Oh, the ONE game didn’t make enough profit to fund us for 7 years?  What a failure!”

  14. danleon950410

    Well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions

  15. variousfoodproducts

    Let me shed a tear for one of the richest game companies in the world

  16. lordarchaon666

    Literally not what the report says. The report says that the whole division didn’t sell enough. They highlighted their big game launches but didn’t blame them for this. They released trash like Foamstars in the same time frame, so that will have tanked their numbers. All the report says is that FF7R2 and FF16 didn’t do well enough to make up for their other flops.

  17. -cyg-nus-

    Maybe you should stop releasing them as PS exclusives, then.

  18. ErgoProxy0

    I’ve come to learn that this phrase means they set an absurd number and don’t meet it. Say, out of 10, they sold 9.9. They would consider that expectations not met. It’s not bad at all but just want to make it seem so

  19. plumzki

    I’ll buy rebirth when all 3 parts are available.

  20. LordOfTheStrings8

    I saw so many people comment that they were pirating ff7 due to sony’s decision to release it on only one platform.

    I still haven’t purchased it, and I have not pirated it. I probably would have bought it in steam at release, though.

  21. anengineerandacat

    Biggest issue is that the FF brand just has too many releases of content surrounding it, I don’t buy games full-price to let them sit in my backlog… I wait until I am ready to play the next thing. If the next thing is your game on release… lucky you Mr.Corporation… but if it’s not… sweet 75% off deal.

    FF7 Rebirth, FF16, FFXIV Expansions, still working through World of Final Fantasy and FF8 Remaster.

    Not to say I am displeased with all the content, it’s been a nice steady stream of it but I can understand how it’s impacting targets when your just shotgunning consumers with it.

  22. Lambcakez

    Random console exclusives are doomed to not meet expectations especially when the rest of the series is widely available everywhere. That’s like selling a new honda car in 15 states instead of 50 then being like why’s no one driving my car?!

  23. pyromoto

    There’s nothing more unreliable than a square enix sales analyst.

  24. PeepsRebellion

    As someone who has never played a final fantasy game, I feel like FF is not a franchise that is gaining many new players and all of their games sales is just their core player base buying every new game.

    Maybe I will try one one day but to me it’s style is very specific and interesting in a way that I don’t think I’d enjoy as much as other games.

  25. Remytron83

    The problem with Rebirth is the PS5 exclusivity. The majority of PS gamers are using the PS4. It should have been a cross gen release.

  26. LightsJusticeZ

    Big game companies expectations: *infinite growth*

  27. hanabishi_recca

    That’s unfortunate, both are really enjoyable games and I had a blast just getting lost in FF7R.

  28. CaptainJSH

    That’s why you don’t do system exclusives rofl. Ff15 was arguably much worse than ff16 and ff7 remake and it sold MUCH more. Why? Because it released on every system.

  29. Dynamitesauce

    Remove Chadley from part 3 and sales will probably go up.

  30. FrogPersona

    If it was released with PC it would do numbers sure

  31. IamAkevinJames

    How’s that timed limited exclusives working for ya Sony?

  32. shinjikun10

    I’m on PC, if you want me to pay full price release it at the same time as console. Otherwise I’m just going to wait for a PC discount on steam or epic. I’m not paying more than what a PS5 used copy goes for.

  33. Mastxadow

    Then launch it on Pc, Xbox, GBA, NES, i don’t know, maybe more will buy the games.

  34. facistpuncher

    Final fantasy 7 rebirth would get a lot more sales on PC.
    They’re overcharging for the PS5, many of their IPs will come off of Sony onto the PC. There is more reason now than ever to wait for Sony games to come to PC, and there is more reason now than ever to not buy a PS5 but to get a better value and toss that cash towards a PC that can play games.

    They are severely limiting their market by launching as a console exclusive, even if it’s timed for a year or two. I am going to wait for rebirth until it’s on PC cuz I played the remake on PC and PS4.

    I’m sure if the game was capable of running on a PS4 they would have met target sales.

  35. TheSpiralTap

    The folks that still remember that game no longer have the time to play a 100 hour game. That seems like a big part of it. I know quite a few people that made it through the first mission, got to where it starts branching into a million side quests and said “fuck this”

  36. strrax-ish

    Thank god there are still people with taste

  37. joeygreco1985

    Theres a million+ people waiting for Rebirth on PC…

  38. astrozombie2012

    I’ve been holding off because sure I want to play all the FF7 remakes at once… I don’t want to wait 5 years in between games or whatever bullshit

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