STYKO to make analyst debut: BLAST Premier Fall Final 2024 Talent List

STYKO to make analyst debut: BLAST Premier Fall Final 2024 Talent List


  1. just-the-friend

    Best of luck. Love seeing players stepping in to this role

  2. GoodGuySeba

    nice nice![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)

  3. St3vion

    What a maniac!

    In all seriousness, he seems like the right kind of guy for this job!

  4. Shraggster

    Not surprised, he’s very analytical and super competent. Looking forward to seeing him on the desk!

  5. > We’ve got the usual suspects returning as well as an exciting new addition, so it’s set to be a banger.

    That’s uh, an interesting choice of words.

  6. Express_Raise6198

    His Youtube videos are gold, this is such an easy pick up for an analyst position. Styko’s got this 100%

  7. Casithor

    Cool but would be nice to see styko back on a team soon I personally think he could bring some much needed experience to the current gamer legion lineup

  8. Spir0rion

    Very happy for styko. Decent guy with integrity. Outstanding choice

  9. NationalAlgae421

    Cant he be caster? But I am glad either way, I was always fan of his character, seems like very chill dude

  10. I hope he does well. His analysis is genuinely on point so if he does well here than I’d love to see more of him

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