The CS2 beta Model animation used be less Sway compared to current one

When someone jiggling. The legs are moving a lot more in latest build. The hands and Torso are also bobbing. Compared to much static torso of the old beta.

I cant remember the exact date but after CS2 was released. There was an animation update which made the Model animation movement more sway and that's when it started to feel like weird and also introduced a lot of glitch like MJ peek, Crab peek etc…

Maybe just going back to the OLD animation of CS2 beta will be better ? Cause the current one isn't good. CSGO used to be a more static, CS2 beta was middle ground and Current one is just a Over the top.


  1. Fun_Philosopher_2535

    This beta version is the first beta. When the map used to be DUST 2 only. There could be other beta which different animations, but for me. This version of model animation is probably the best one. It doesn’t look like outdated and as well not too wobbly like the current one. 

    I think just bring this version of the animation will make the game feel a lot better to track and aim a moving target…

  2. -frauD-

    Bit hard to tell considering you’re moving the guy twice as far in the latest version. You can see in the beta footage that the CT frequently stops strafing at the midpoint of the arch above the lower tunnel, in the latest version you are consistently moving him the entire width of the arch.

  3. Strg-Alt-Entf

    Absolutely terrible if you ask me… I don’t know why the heck you would do that wobbly shit, *especially* if movement is subticked…

    You can see how insanely bad it is for the game in the stupid amount of eco rushes that lead to win rounds. The Tec9 is sometimes better than any rifle and the MP9 makes cs2 sometimes feel like CoD.

    I really hope they get rid of wobbles and make movement on-tick. That would make the game so much better I think.

  4. youfoundKim

    By the looks of it, current models have more “sticky” feet compared to the beta models. But it’s a bit hard to tell because the models are not being moved in the same way. In the current build you’re wide swinging, and in the beta you’re jigging more.

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