Cyberpunk 2077

Wondering what peoples thoughts are on this

I've pledged the All-In but I have been so unsure about it cause, I mean, look how much it is! I'm doing stretch pay to make it not feel as tough of a choice but it's still just short of $65 AUD per month for 7 months.

Really hope the game is worth it cause it really does look fun and I love the aesthetic of it.

Being someone with like 900 hours in CyberPunk 2077, I'll definitely be a bit critical of it cause the game is very important to me but I'll try not to let that be a problem.

Anyway, just wanna hear what anyone else has to say on it, good and bad?


  1. Patrickrk

    Oh my brother, do not finance a tabletop game. If you can’t pay for this today, you can’t afford it. Save the $65 a month and then in 7 months, buy it.

  2. Low-Presence-922

    Hallo I also pledged All In, for me it is a mix of I want the Miniature Figures and I want to play the Boardgame.

  3. Kirin9JG54

    Well, I am truly the wrong person to ask as I was waiting for the All-In option ever since the campaign was announced. From an IP standpoint it delivers everyhting I could wish for. Gameplaywise I am still a little sceptic about the realtime aspect but the reviewers I trust the most are positive – so am I. Is it a good deal? 450+ Aussie Digderidoos sounds like an awful lot – I guess the shipping will be a nightmare as well. Living in a rich country with a strong currency – aka Swiss Franc – it hurts a lot less. So am really happy about the campaign so far.

  4. Spinning_Sky

    I’m a big board game fan, did my share of kickstarters

    I avoid as much as possible games with any sort of IP, very often either the IP feels plastered on, or some of the budget that could have gone into game development and testing went instead into the IP.
    This is especially true for kickstarted games, some end up being severely under-tested, but I haven’t followed this particular game

    If you’re looking for a in depth tactical dungeon crawler with a story driven progression, you’ll hardly find anything better than Gloomhaven (took a quick look at this game’s page)

    Having said that, there are good games with IPs out there, and I have spent an unacceptable amount of money on stupid shit just cause I really liked the minis or resin statues, so no judgement here, I hope the game is awesome and you enjoy the new toys!

  5. RegT1996

    I love the idea of this board game but I’d only be able to play alone and it’s so expensive!

  6. Flies_Gaming

    Is there anything this doesn’t include that I will kick myself for not getting? I heard there’s like a very limited V figure? ( sorry I haven’t dove deep into this, but I do love CP 2077 )

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