Never even bothered with 4K

Never even bothered with 4K


  1. SignalGladYoung

    nobody cares about 8K to won’t happen. games can badly run at 4K being poorly optimised with drm running slow,

  2. Daoist_Serene_Night

    who is talking about 8k?

    most PCs cant even run 4k

    the only people who are talking about 8k is sony with their ps5

  3. Tower21

    Nothing wrong with 1080p on an appropriate sized monitor.

    I stuck with a 1366×768 for years back in the day just so I could extend the life of my GPU.

    It wasn’t until I got a 670 that I jumped upto a 1080p 144hz gsync display, now I’m a fps snob.

    It could happen to you, as I type this from my 1440p 165 Hz display.

  4. iwantacheetah

    Thanks to my shit eyesight which can’t tell the difference between 4k and 1080p, I am still on a 1080p monitor.

  5. Howfuckingsad

    1080p can be bad when you have multiple windows open in the same screen. The letters get difficult to read.

    But for every other possible reason, it’s still pretty good.

  6. Swagtagonist

    I try to game at 4k as often as I’m able, but 8k would be fantastic for VR.

  7. ThreeLeggedPirate69

    Unless you play on like a 55″+ Monitor, it doesn’t even matter, 1080p is fine

  8. Noa15Lv

    1440p should be perfect balance.

    Your fps will be great and no dsr required to run games (depending on your computer and game)

    Folks still struggle to run 4k on their systems.

  9. Oktokolo

    8k would maybe finally allow me to stop using antialiasing though.

  10. First-Junket124

    And then there’s PS5 and Xbox Series players who THINK it’s 4k…. it’s not…. technically

  11. MizarcDev

    If all you’ve ever experienced is 1080p, then you won’t know what you’re missing out on. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as moving up to higher resolutions will permanently raise your perception and increase your future upgrade costs in the process.

    I used to play on 1080p until just a couple years ago where I moved to 4K. Now the 1080p screenshots I took look so bad compared to what I have now and I can never go back. I paid the price and now I have to spend more on computer upgrades to sustain it 🙁

  12. GuitardedBard

    Running a 4080 with a 360Hz 1920×1080 monitor. I am very happy to stay in this resolution.

  13. ColossalFuckboy

    Ashamed to admit that in some games I can’t tell the difference between 1080p and 4K for the life of me, from my couch about 10ft away.

  14. The vast majority people are not running 4k. 1080p is still an extremely common and more useful resolution, unless you have a 4090.

    Nobody is running 8k except for a tiny handful of people who like to be bleeding edge.

  15. godlesssunday

    Me over here at 1440p 25fps thinking yea this is it

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