Astralis didn’t even say goodbye or thank br0 after he was kicked off the team. He only got a dry footnote that he will be replaced by CadiaN

Astralis didn’t even say goodbye or thank br0 after he was kicked off the team. He only got a dry footnote that he will be replaced by CadiaN


  1. More reasons to root against this shithole of an org LOL

    Even easier now for me as a professional cadiaN hater

  2. ChaoticFlameZz

    I dont think it takes a genius to know Astralis is still a shitty org. Only reason they’re not the worst (in CS), is because NIP exists.

  3. salakaufan

    He’s benched, not kicked from the org so i think thats still okay? Don’t orgs usually only post thank you posts when players leave the org as a whole

  4. Fuibo2k

    Love CadiaN but hate astralis, not sure how to feel any more

  5. boatboy420

    As a very casual CS pro scene enjoyer, why is everyone commenting that Astralis is a shitty org and that they hate them?

  6. tobias19

    I’ve never been thanked after getting fired from a job either 🤷

  7. Curius0ne

    Wait. So stabby back stabbed Cadian to get him off heroic and then went to Astralis and now Astralis signs Cadian? Man what a turn of events

  8. commentman10

    Does cadian want to be backstabbing again?

  9. Charizard75

    Astralis love throwing away all their young talent with no consideration

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