
I can do this all day

I can do this all day


  1. jurassicbond

    I’ve gotten over this habit, and it’s amazing how much easier RPGs become.

  2. Hironymus

    Hunt Showdown healed me of this a long time ago. Use it or loose it. If you leave the mission with a consumable you brought with you into the mission… wtf were you bringing it with you for?!

  3. anonerble

    I finally started to get past this with persona 5 and am full on using everything with persona 4 now.

  4. relateablename

    This is a telltale sign that you’re not playing on a high enough difficulty.

  5. You’re damn right I do! And I’ll do it again and again! I refuse to end up needing that *one thing* I once had but got rid of in order to save weight or get a few gold pieces. No, sir! No how! 😛

  6. Woody1150

    This habit has been brutal in No Man’s Sky. 😄

  7. mrjane7

    If I was saving all the items for the perfect time to use them and then finished the game, I’d just assume the items were useless and I lost nothing.

  8. FondleGanoosh438

    I’ll always appreciate FFVIII for encouraging you to save your magic and use your items. Only game I can think of that gives you an incentive to hoard.

  9. VampireLynn

    I usually never need them so I don’t use them unless I have to

  10. Elden-Mochi

    Me: If I use these items as they are intended, this game will be easy.

    Also me: What if this game has that one boss that needs all these items?

    Thanks to older games like final fantasy that make me paranoid to use items so I don’t get soft locked again.

  11. Keynote86

    Ever play that captain america game for Nintendo?

  12. Robin_Gr

    I beat the last boss with the starting weapon and never used a healing item. I basically made myself do a challenge run because of how weird my brain is.

  13. boot2skull

    What was I supposed to do with all these dwarven ingots again?

  14. EldenJoker

    I want the game to corner me into using them for a special occasion.

    I don’t want to become reliant on them and also don’t want to farm materials to craft them

  15. I like to make life harder than it has to be, I guess. I never use potions in games other than health potions, which results in boss fights harder than it should’ve been.

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