
What game had the greatest box art of all time?

What game had the greatest box art of all time?


  1. Dextrimos

    Horizon: Zero Dawn’s was pretty fucking cool

  2. GuardianDownAgain

    I was wondering how you underlined “greatest box art”.

  3. PuffyPythonArt

    Ultima : The Black Gate; its what started me off enjoying so much the fantasy/scifi genres to this day.

  4. Djikstra_Is_Cool

    I love this game go much ! Perfect soundtrack

  5. ButterscotchExactly

    Well I guess it’s time for another Secret of Mana playthrough

  6. SonofBeckett

    I’ve always had a soft spot for Atari box art and how embellished it is based off what the game is actually like.

    Missile Command might be the best example I can think of off the top of my head.

  7. Sphartacus

    Mega Man of course. It’s not even close. 

  8. TheKnife142

    This game was my childhood. An incredible game for the time.

  9. unlimi_Ted

    Solstice for the NES has a pretty great one

  10. RazrVII

    I always think about Blizzard game boxes for a question like this. The art is amazing and very specifically Blizzard style. I still have my Classic, BC, Wotlk, and Cata boxes. Very character focused, textured effects with the fold out front. So goddamn good.

    The other is FF7. There is something so intriguing about the character of Cloud on the box. It’s actually insane to think about that choice to have one character staring up at the reactor. It both tells a very evocative story while leaving out the majority of the actual game.

  11. Cloud_N0ne

    I’ve always loved the simplicity of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim.

    For Oblivion and Skyrim, their covers are also the covers of important books within that universe, so the box art can be found in-game, too.

  12. Brrrrrrrrrrrr__

    Ico’s is gold. Its just a pretty painting

  13. Cloud_N0ne

    Bad Company 2 is up there.

    It’s so simple yet effective. A frag grenade with a smiley face attached to the pin. It perfectly sums up the tone of that game.

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