Cyberpunk 2077

Favorite weapon type?

I like smart weapons. They’re futuristic and cyberpunk as hell. Plus it’s nice to not really need to aim. Yinglong is a beast with its electrical damage and EMP blast on enemy death.


  1. Low-Mongoose6436

    First playthrough i liked the nekomata? , now i use sandy and a katana😅

  2. Troodon_Trouble

    Rocket arm makes my brain happy. Cyberpunk, violent, explosions.

  3. DedicatedDetective34

    Any variant of the Carnage shotgun. I love how it just blows people’s appendages.

  4. IcuntSpeel

    Knives. Insta killing by knife throw is pretty satisfying.

    But i will say, it would have been nice if they gave a ingame lore explanation on how the knife returns to our hands.

  5. WasteLocation8719

    Gotta be tech guns
    Especially order and breakthrough
    One of the best combos is:
    1. Order
    2. Tsugemochi/scalpel
    3. Breakthrough
    +Both are easy to get
    ++If perks are right can obliterate everything at low lvls

  6. DifficultCarob408

    Shotguns are my favourite, but I don’t enjoy the smart versions (on any gun, for that matter)

  7. KeeganY_SR-UVB76

    Powa pistols. I used Kongou for a long time.

  8. MissAsgariaFartcake

    I love swords, and the katanas in this game are so fun. The heavy stab attack is perfect to crit heads. Headless corpses everywhere

  9. Cpt_kaoss

    Pistols mostly, don’t really care what kind. But on my latest playthrough I started using shotguns and boy is it great to just run up to someone and blast them in half😐👍


  10. Gn0meKr

    Type? I don’t have a type

    I have a versy specific weapon that I consider my all-time favourite and that’s Erebus

  11. redvarg91

    If I can I always go for sniper rifles in games, but cyberpunk rekindled my love from times of cs 1.6 and map cs_office for shotguns. I was using Guts for most of this playthrough but I have switched to Mox to reduce chaos a bit

    But it doesn’t mean I’ve abandonned sniper rifles – I still use Overwatch as a long range solution

  12. jummy-parvati

    Smart Automatics, the Pizdets in particular. Playing a Tech/Reflex run rn and I miss shredding people to bits with auto aim so much…

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