When does this game comes out of beta?

When does this game comes out of beta?


  1. Summary:
    Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
    Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control).
    Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses.
    Shot 12: Likely didn’t actually fire because you were already dead.

  2. ResourceWorker

    The scout is not as accurate as the awp. You should have shot lower to headshot hiim through the car.

  3. VillageIdiots1-1

    Love how it’s still this fucked…

  4. ZelosStecher

    Can you shoot through the car roof? Because thats where you aimed at and where the bullets hit.

  5. jonajon91

    What does the demo say? With the red and blue cubes?

  6. Guns aren’t pixel precise. Trying to snipe the 9~ pixels of hitbox at that range leads to this.

    Quick recap:

    Shot 1: edge of the car, 50-50
    Shot 2: on the car
    Shot 3: on the car
    Shot 4: on the car, but RNG gods took pity and rolled the shot onto the head

    Aim better bruh for real

  7. AstronomerStandard

    Bullet slides off since u hit a sliding angle. Know ur physics.

    Cs2 realism pog


    Wait till reddit silver kids or volvo meat munchers tell you that you moved and its inaccuracy when you didnt, lol

  9. MysteriousBobcat9449

    Looks like a bunch of CS2 devs have been sent off to work on Deadlock, so I guess we’ll be seeing those much-needed updates… right after Deadlock becomes a dead game. Timing’s everything, right?

  10. RaimaNd

    Afaik you can only shoot through the windows but not the roof of the car.

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