Vince Zampella Confirms Next Battlefield Will Use Modern Setting, First Concept Art Revealed

Vince Zampella Confirms Next Battlefield Will Use Modern Setting, First Concept Art Revealed


  1. MRDfallout

    Hmmmm wonder if battlefield bad company 3 if it can come out specially since the end of the second one is about the Russians coming through Alaska if i remember correctly

  2. BR1_AER

    Wish I could muster any excitement…. but I cannot, shame really =|

  3. DtotheOUG

    > insert common nostalgia comment about how the game was good when my nostalgia made me think they were all amazing

  4. Sialorphin

    Zampella once did MW2 and Titanfall iirc. He says some really good things in that interview.

    But remember seeing the CGI Trailer of BF2042 to hype the shit out of all BF players just to rape all those promises with this released bullshit.

    Also, zampella is an executive in charge and doing his first interview at IGN about battlefield. It’s top notch marketing business. He will try to get every BF fan wet not angry.

  5. Dtwerky

    That Battlefield has fumbled their attempts at BR and Extraction Shooter is true negligence of the highest order. They are the most primed AAA studio to make a high-end more grounded (but not too grounded like Tarkov) extraction shooter with high end graphics and performance. Literally just take BF4 and clean up animations, use their modern graphics engine, and then copy Arena Breakout Infinite or Delta Force’s inventory/looting and it would be a hit.

    But no, they are too busy making BF into a hero shooter. They need to lean further into realism if they want to have success. Lean more into Squad rather than into BF2042 with this next game. Make it grittier and slower.

  6. GreaseMonkey90

    I think I can see wacky colourful skins, cringe catchphrase, and cod/apex movements.

  7. whyUdoAnythingAtAll

    Wait what is zampella doing in bf? isn’t he in respawn

  8. Dudi4PoLFr

    To be honest as a long-time BF player since the very beginning with 1942, I have absolutely 0 hype for this one.

    It’s EA so “micro-transactions”, battle passes and other garbage are 110% sure with a sparkle of P2W on top. DICE of today has less than 10% of the OGs that have made all of the BFs until the One from 2016. Also, it’s made by 3 studios on 2 continents so the coordination and organisation must be horrendous.

    All that I can imagine is a slightly “better” 2042 with even more egregious monetisation.

  9. chris_hansen-69420

    what are we gonna actively take oart in a genocide?

  10. Pun_In_Ten_Did

    Looks like the remnants of Di Ravello’s army are still attacking Medici… Rico is gonna be pissed.

  11. lovedabomb

    just take an easy win and give us a remake of BF3 with some more gun attachment customisation (sights in particular)

  12. BeerGogglesFTW

    Its nice to hear that their focus will be recapturing Battlefield during the 3 and 4 again. Happy to see Vince Zampella at the helm. But I’m still very cautious. Not very optimistic.

    For one, I had a lot of fun playing the Delta Force alpha. I’m excited to hop back into that game when it launches on Early Access soon. I feel like Delta Force has a year head-start (guessing), to take off and make a name for themselves in the Battlefield space, or they would have to royally fuck up what they’ve built. Because what they have so far is great.

    It leads me to wonder if Battlefield will continue to be Buy2Play, $70-100 editions up front. They may be in a position where they need to pull players from Delta Force and charging $70 for game, against a Free2Play game that people are 1 year invested into could be tough. Possibly. I think a lot rides on how Delta Force plays out.

  13. aboodi803

    I don’t care anymore about Battlefield been burn so many time

  14. hiwander

    Everything we saw of BF2042 before the actual release was amazing, so im not holding my breath

  15. lordnyrox46

    If it remotely feels like BF2042, it will flop. They need to return to BF3, BF4 gunplay, gameplay physics, inertia, etc. We don’t need another COD copy ; we need a FUCKING Battlefield experience.

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