Why is my game alright and only everything else laggy?

Why is my game alright and only everything else laggy?


  1. uniwer2014

    It is like this in every game despite rebooting my system and flashing my dns. Any ideas what i can do?

  2. Just came here to point out the horrendous view model

  3. Frisnfruitig

    Your game isn’t all right, it looks like you have network issues. Jitter/packet loss. Rebooting your device or flushing your DNS won’t do anything if your connection isn’t stable.

  4. Independent_Two_7211

    Bro it looks like you’re playing stop motion CS 😂

  5. StrangeStephen

    God that is horrible to play at. And I miss overpass fuck dust 2.

  6. sweetgoldfish2516

    Might want to change your view model, might be the issue. If that doesn’t fix it, you should probably not change it back in case it causes other issues.

  7. luissantos98

    Is it just me, or is this view model getting too popular?
    I’ve never seen so much of this before

  8. KaNesDeath

    Main culprit seems to be your network thats being exacerbated by locking your frames to 100 frames per second. Which im guessing is being done to match a 100hz monitor.

    Whats you ‘Max Acceptable Game Traffic Bandwidth’ set to?

  9. Potential_Welder1278

    I have this too at times. I don’t know why it happens either

  10. CS2 into the counter-verse
    rendering every one at 12 frames a second

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