FPS Games

The First Descendant – Meet Hailey: Character Gameplay Trailer | PS5 & PS4 Games

Meet Hailey! She cools down enemies in front and ruthlessly eliminates enemies with her anti-material sniper rifle!

Play as Hailey in The First Descendant on August 29th and become the legendary sniper.

PLAY FREE NOW: https://store.playstation.com/concept/10005318/

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  1. Its to bad sniper rifles in this game feel like the worst weapon to ever weapon since your constantly against hordes of enemies and they hardly do any noticeable dmg against bosses.

  2. Well, well, well, isn't this character such a little treat….
    May have to finally bend the knee and download this game.

  3. The devs listing to the fans is beyond any other game in the past 10 years and season one is lookin great so far!

  4. Another girly shooter cross gen trash… Sony is scamming with this generation… if pro comes and only exclusives was ratchet and ugly cavegirl sim I’ll never buy a console again 🤷🏽‍♂️ (no hate for devs of this game)


    The new 'Reshape Attached Items' is messing up.
    Every time I look at my gold reactor and use L2 + R anolog stick to scroll down it takes it off the attached items because 'hold L2' is the Unregister Attached Items button.
    Even if you don't unasign it because of not holding L2 for long enough, you just end up changing the reshape icon.
    2 ways to fix.
    1. need a new button for tooltip scroll.

    2. or get rid of the need to scroll would be WAY better.

  6. Please add more weekly mission options to accomplish. It's not enough for me because of the schedule I have and the amount of games I own. The requirements are ridiculous like that Thunder SMG. There is no way I'm gonna accomplish that within two months. I'm not gonna treat this game like a second full time job. 🙄🐵🙏

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