Linus sells out; blames motherboard manufacturers for Intel CPUs crashing

Linus sells out; blames motherboard manufacturers for Intel CPUs crashing


  1. WolfVidya

    “Intel shares the blame.” Who’s at fault is “a complicated issue.” Only a last second, dismissive mention of via oxidation, and somehow the CPU requesting more voltage than safe is still the fault of mobo manufacturers.

    What a slimebag move.

  2. JamesMCC17

    Half his videos are sponsored by Intel, of course he’s sold out. He has one of the most biased channels on YT. Slimeball.

  3. YellowFogLights

    In the last video about the leaky PC in his server rack he was singing EKs praises about their decades of experience and that made me think how they never really touched on EK properly either.

  4. warfaucet

    Good to see LTT still has a strong sense of ethics /s

  5. LTT is basically a content farm. Most of its videos hold very little factual value 

  6. Linus has been a scum back for a VERY long time. The recent controversies have just shed light on what this person has been for ages.

  7. MichiganRedWing

    How people still support this douche after all these years is beyond me.

  8. I stopped watching Linus because his content is usually a glorified ad. His content probably hasn’t been useful since 2016ish.

  9. drakktheberserker

    linus is not a source of accurate info, hasn’t been for a long time

  10. Extremely click bait title too. There is no fixing them… thats the entire point.

  11. Haven’t watched for ages, actually unsubscribed with the whole Madison thing, keep checking the channel and this subreddit but nothings made me change my mind. Guess I never will.

  12. WalkinTarget

    Sponsored by Userbenchmark dot com, where you always get the accurate info !!!

  13. firedrakes

    Ah yes the toxic gn fans. Religious nut bags.

    Anyhow it’s both a intel and mobo manf issue.
    Not simple 1 issue.

  14. Blacksad9999

    Linus has been a sellout for a loooooong time now. This is nothing new. He even calls himself a shill in his livestreams.

  15. The irony of Linus of all people trying to cover for intel after YEARS of relentlessly bashing them is just madness. the blonde hair dye is already be messing with his brain.

  16. If anyone’s surprised about this, they haven’t been paying attention for the last couple of years.

  17. GhostsinGlass


    I don’t think so u/LinusTech

    Sorry man, but there is an underlying problem with these CPUs.

    If you want I can put my money where my mouth is.

    I will expand this list to 100 entries with links to each complaint in 24 hours that show the common problems are tied to the same APIC IDs and thus the same cores. If I don’t hit that then I’ll build, log, and donate a custom water-cooled PC powered by an Raptor Lake i9 CPU on a Z790 motherboard to my local library and their tech club. I have hardware to spare.

    If I succeed you buy me a Threadripper 7970x and Asus TRX50 motherboard.

    Actually, I’ll do it even if I win, I’m already donating one rig, why not two?

    Let me know.

  18. Oh no, Linus who openly admitted to making videos carefully catered to Youtube algorithm so it made the most amount of money **repeatedly** sold out?! How could this have happened?

  19. My take from the video is Intel f up but the actions from the motherboard speed up the issue so that it came out quickly instead of in 3-4 years.

    Funny enough, the motherboard manufacturer might have helped the customer since by speeding up the issue, error occurs during warranty. Motherboard manufacturer and the hero by fing up those CPU ASAP.

    Overall, I think the video was to promote people to update their bios to patch the issue.

  20. Vortagaun

    Linus channel is now “entertainment” with a side of knowledge.

  21. The mother board makers share 1/2 the blame. People are rushing to defend the motherboard makers while blaming Intel exclusively seems hypocritical.

  22. CarlWellsGrave

    Isn’t this guy’s whole thing is that he’s a sellout?

  23. TryItOutGG

    Haven’t had an issue since I updated bios 🤷‍♂️

  24. Latey-Natey

    In the second half of the video he calls out Intel for being vague and specifically comes to the conclusion of (he doesn’t directly say it but it’s roughly what he says) “Intel is to blame but motherboard manufacturers made it worse, in some cases like Asus MUCH worse”

  25. Sylia_Stingray

    Can anyone actually point out any factual errors in the video? 

    Not just say “Linus bad” . What  did he say that is factual incorrect in the video?

  26. SlightlySubpar

    90% of this video is talking about Intel’s negligence, tf you talkin about?

  27. this sub is basically gamersnexus dick gobblers. fucking weirdos.

  28. Neoncarbon

    LTT has been quite terrible for a long time, lik 3+ years now. I’d recommend GamersNexus and Hardware Unboxed instead.

  29. wow, way to absolutely destroy all nuance of what he said. maybe watch the video first?

  30. soulless_ape

    Why anyone **ever** payed attention to this bumbling buffoon baffles me.

  31. KitchenDepartment

    Thanks for sharing this video. I had forgotten to unsubscribe from this LTT channel as well

  32. I don’t think I’ve watched Linus for facts for years. It’s a great channel for projects like the home water cooling and server gaming pc builds. For facts I rather watch GamersNexus.

  33. Snotnarok

    Did User Benchmark sponsor this video?

    I don’t get this, I thought intel admitted straight up this was their fault, but this video focuses really hard on how the mobo manufacturers messed up. . . .ALL of them?

    I haven’t watched his videos in ages because they got all show-y and no substance, then the GN expose happened and this pops up – I give it a watch and- yep. Guess all that apologizing was for nothing. This is not news this is a video you do as a favor to the company to help smooth things out with users.

    Happy to keep recommending folks watch someone else for tech news and info. LTT constantly shows they have questionable journalism ethics.

  34. Watch more than 3 minutes of the video, he explains it in chronological order so the part where Intel’s fuckups were exposed come later, it’s really not that difficult

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