
Former Rockstar dev says keep those GTA 6 expectations in check as “technology is moving much slower,” so we may not see something like the “jump” from San Andreas to GTA 4

Many speculating about how this release will impact current consoles. While there is no doubt it will offer the eye candy, GTA 6 might not have "that technology jump" on its side "to make things different and better". So won’t be as taxing on current consoles as many have originally thought.


  1. celebmommylove

    I’m not expecting anything crazy but would love more dense environments and more indoor areas

  2. MichaCazar

    If we are only talking about graphics then yeah… Feels like games (in general) hardly go forward since like 2018, except for Vfx, which mostly boils down to lightning effects (aka Raytracing) that hardly anyone cares about cause games nowadays just don’t work well regardless if it is on or not.

    If we talk about technical stuff like seamlessly going into/out of things instead of circles anywhere, that would be fancy.

  3. Boozerker

    It might be slower but the gap between the games is also much longer right?

  4. Just give me a big map and a fire engine that I can squirt people with and I’m happy, dude

  5. DelayedEmbarrassment

    He leafy in 2009? Who care what he saw at that time it’s been 15 years since that.

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