
Well here I go again, I think Final Fantasy X is one of my favorite stories of all time.

Well here I go again, I think Final Fantasy X is one of my favorite stories of all time.


  1. Mobilerocks121

    Played it recently was an amazing experience.

  2. It’s certainly my favourite gameplay of any FF.

    Plus Blitzball. Nimrook is my boi

  3. C5H6ClCrNO3

    One of the few RPGs that I think is significantly better on the second playthrough. The main story of the game is extremely linear and packed with cutscenes but so much of it comes across differently once you know what it’s all leading up to.

  4. womanplease

    I totally agree! FFX’s story is timeless and beautifully crafted.

  5. workasset1

    They should have added hamster races instead of Chocobo races.

  6. IfYouReadThis90210

    Final Fantasy X has left a lasting impact on many players and continues to be celebrated for its storytelling, characters, and overall design. It’s no wonder it remains a favorite for so many.

  7. Last_Ad_9314

    FFX… One of the best and most memorable stories ever.

  8. Superb_Recover_6116

    I just wish you could toggle between the classic graphics on the pc remastered one. I liked how everyone looked way better on the original.

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