pls dont flame me for my choices, this was the most i could get

im 15 dont flame me pls i saved for a year


  1. Strykr-AU

    Nice, as long as you’re having fun who cares what’s in it

  2. Few-Confection3492

    Never a good look when the title screams with insecurities.


  3. What do you mean? This is an awesome system.
    You have a 14th gen i5, a very good nvme and ssd drives combo, an 850 watts power supply, 32 gb of ram, an 4060ti, liquid cooling, and even a nice looking case.

    Your pc doesn’t lack anything, be proud young kid, it’s way better than most people systems.

  4. OkStrategy685

    Great build. enjoy it.

    don’t let reddit scare you, just look into some undervolting / underclocking for the first couple months until the patch comes out. i’m sure you know what everyone is talking about.

  5. Diligent_Mastodon105

    Nice, should last you a while and lend itself to upgrades down the road. 🙂

    I am not trying to flame you, just be aware that the 13th and 14th gen intel chips are having issues and doing a little research can save you a nightmare.

    Other than the stability issues, the 14600K is an amazing CPU

    I have mine paired with a 3080 Ti and I couldn’t be happier

    Great selection of parts, technical master. P:

  6. Effective_Secretary6

    The min maxer in me tells me to maybe next time use a cheaper air cooler to get the 4070, but hey, is it still a nice build and is it really good looking? Hell yes, so enjoy

  7. gameingboy90

    Sweet build, that’s a really nice system, much better than what I have. I admire your ability to save for that long.

    Just a small nitpick, but the i5 doesn’t really need a liquid cooler. An air cooler would be a better choice because it’s more reliable (no pump to fail) and much cheaper, allowing you to allocate more budget to other components or simply saving the money.

  8. WombatOnYT

    Congrats on your build dude! It’s beautiful!

  9. hrafnafadhir

    Enjoy your gaming PC, my dude. That’s awesome. May your frames be high, and your temps low.

  10. IGPUgamer99

    Honestly, noone is gonna hate you for building with what you have available. Only the very snobby elitist will, but their opinions usually dont matter.

  11. Playful_Pollution846

    The clu might be an issue since there’s a problem with the Intel 13th and 14th gen cpus

    If you want I’d recommend downgrading to a 12th gen or lower for now and once intel fixes the issue get back to your 14th gen cpu

  12. Looks good to me. Enjoy it while you’re young

  13. Anyusername7294

    Just year? I as 14yo will must save at least 2 years to get PC like this one, and my parents won’t let me buy it

  14. Bloodfarts4foone

    And don’t even trip on “cable management”, real heads let their cables hang loose. And they never put all the screws in. If it has 4 screw holes, it only needs 2 screws. When you build enough you make it pretty for other people, and make it functional for yourself. Because you’ll see soon enough that a PC is a ship of Theseus, it won’t be the same in a few years piece by piece…

  15. baucher04

    It’s fucking awesome! Congrats and have fun!!!

  16. ilikebins69

    I don’t think anyone in their right minds will flame you. It looks sick dude. You could consider upgrading later, but you should be proud of yourself for saving for it, have fun.

  17. I see intel and limited budget (considering age), and I don’t understand. Why not go with jow the objectively better option in AMD

  18. iwonttolerateyou2

    You are fine. I am using 14600k for almost 7 months now for gaming and video and editing and works well. Nothing to worry for now.

  19. terdroblade

    Is that a Intel I spy? RIP

    If possible, return the MBO and CPU and go AMD. If you don’t have cash to replace a dead CPU in a year or less, stay away from Intel

  20. LazyButSmartGuy

    What are you talking about mate, that looks good!

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