
Bungie CEO faces backlash after announcing 220 employees will be laid off| Pete Parsons has spent $2.4 million on classic cars since Sony acquired Bungie

Bungie CEO faces backlash after announcing 220 employees will be laid off|
Pete Parsons has spent $2.4 million on classic cars since Sony acquired Bungie


  1. 80sBadGuy

    Christ these people need to be held accountable. That’s garbage-tier human behavior.

  2. the optics are understandable but what he does with his money is his business. failure of the job is a seperate issue. perhaps the developers would think differently if they were the ceo in that position. not defending the ceo but what a person does with their own money and their lifestyle is their business. issues at bungie seem to have been ongoing for a long time and this is from an outsiders persepective. as an insider or employee it would be easier to see what is happening and they can make decesions to stay or find better employment.

  3. CurrentResolution797

    “Faces backlash” I’m sure he’s real tore up about it

  4. From Investopedia:

    >The tech and entertainment conglomerate also said it plans to buy back up to 30 million shares of its own stock.

    Sorry, folks, can’t afford to pay you, we need to waste a couple billion dollars artificially pumping our stock price.

  5. Equinsu-0cha

    Things to remember when your employer asks you to sacrifice.  Leave at 5 and take all your vacation.  You are never gonna wish you worked harder for them.  This is how it is now.

  6. Rambling-Rooster

    CEOs are bribed to FUCK OVER both the customer and the company for the sake of 3 month profits for share holders. C-CLASS IS STRIP MINING OUR WORLD.

  7. Accomplished_Baby_28

    How can someone be that disconnected from reality? Reading about him showing up in a vintage car a week before laying off an employee, him jumping in a discussion of budget hardships with his “car collection”….

  8. under_the_c

    >”faces backlash” 

    Oh God no! Did people complain on Twitter or something? What a terrible punishment. I’m sure that he learned his lesson. 

  9. the bungie of today are not the ones who came up with marathon and Halo, that has long since passed.

  10. Corporations owe you nothing and will do what is in their best interests. Who cares if they lay people off; they’re not operating a charity and aren’t going to pay people if they can’t afford it or if the employee isn’t providing enough value.

  11. LePoopScoop

    That’s 11k per person over the course of how many years?

  12. omnicloudx13

    They’ll never think about taking a paycut to keep the jobs of their employees that they failed. CEOs should face monetary punishment for failing the people they are supposed to be in charge of.

  13. JusaPikachu

    I don’t give a shit how people spend their own money.

    Continuously upping already *outrageous* executive salaries while at the same time having mass layoffs is the problem. Executives should be having great paydays *when* the company is prosperous & killing it. Anytime I hear mass layoffs & don’t hear executive pay cuts in the same breath, I know it’s fucking fake & it is an indictment against this corporatist bullshit that massive companies get away with every year.

  14. SoCalThrowAway7

    I worked at a game company where the CFO had to be specifically told to stop driving his insanely expensive cars to work every day because it was bad for morale

  15. nogoodgreen

    Greedy fucking leech, all those hardworking developers getting shit canned for nothing but god damn greed.

  16. FennecScout

    People like Pete wouldn’t be so comfortable if there was still militant labor activism just saying.

  17. CEO is spending his own money? Not company funds

  18. StylishShark

    This guys an eediot. You should only buy stuff like that once you retire.

  19. kneelbeforegod

    You have to have triples really, one for driving, one for show and one just in case. triples is best. Triples is safe.

  20. N3M3S1S75

    A decent person would look at their pay and their contribution to the company and fall on their sword and either quit minus a golden hand shake or take a pay cut and save jobs. Sony is not the bad guy in this situation it the idiotic greedy management. Management should not be make xxxx times that of their team, not in any industry

  21. the-charliecp

    2.4 million for classic cars is kinda cheap or he got them for a bargain

  22. Radiant-Brief-6159

    Food: 300

    Utilities: 200

    Rent: 2,000

    Vintage Cars: 2,400,000

    Misc: 50

    Guys please help me manage my finances, my game studio can’t afford to keep all its employees

  23. I wonder how many of you wouldn’t do the same when it comes to your personal interest.

  24. uncle_fucker_42069

    If I’d be working at a company that just announced they’re selling the joint to Sony I’d be updating my resume.
    And I would have done the same when they sold to Microsoft.

    Both those companies really don’t care about their customers.

    The CEO does sound like a massive douche, but I imagine that would have been clear before this acquisition.
    Just another reason to not work there.

  25. TacoManifesto

    I think Saturday morning cartoon villains would take notes from this shit

  26. Zhentharym

    What this situation has taught me most of all is that gamers have zero understanding of corporate finance and executive compensation.

  27. This is why we should create a “one man’s greed shouldn’t impact more than himself” rule within companies.

    This way, our CEO and Managers fuck ups shouldn’t cost a lot of other people’s jobs. If the company is not doing well then might as well put the higher ups to account for their responsibility.

  28. samwise_thedog

    Lol what a bizarre headline. “Top executives make tough business decisions and also make more money than you.”

    People see a headline involving layoffs and automatically take the holier than thou approach as if they wouldn’t do the same thing if the roles were flipped.

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