Cyberpunk 2077

I honestly don’t know what these 3 see in Johnny

Before i start yes i do understand that all of them have flaws, and Johnny is not completely at fault for the relationships but he is still the main culprit.

Rouge: I can see why she would fall for him at first and despite him cheating on her, she would go back to him like any typical toxic relationship but at her big age of 80+ she is still in love with he huh. Like his dick can’t be that good for a no-nonsense person like rouge to literally risk fight adam smasher just for Johnny WTF.

Alt: I don’t really know much about her but she seems to be like rouge but she was actually in the relationship and would come back to him every now and again to see his gigs despite the very hurtful words you can say to her in game. And she was worried for him when they got attacked but she is now a AI so ya.

Kerry: This one is more obvious kerry has ben shown multiple times that he is very insecure and pretty much relies on other people to make him happy, so someone like John silverhand being so confident and very bare chested all the time it makes sense that he would flock to him very easily.

what do y’all think?


  1. Imo Rogue didn’t really loved him at that age, she just felt old and needed something, that’s why basically she stopped not because of the body

  2. SkoomaBear

    Alt does confuse me, the world’s best netrunner decides to be a mere groupie to the world’s biggest narcissistic loser.

  3. beckychao

    Kerry’s just a good guy. What I got from the quests with him is that he really grieved Johnny’s death. V gives him a much needed catharsis, romance or not. I found him to be one of the most endearing characters, and he cares a lot about V, too. I think Johnny actually cared about him, for what it’s worth.

  4. Bamboozle-Lord

    He spiked their drinks with an evil love potion brew

  5. Kalaaleq93

    Narcissistic a**holes are often “charming” and “charismatic”.

  6. Nightly_Pixels

    I mean, I grew to really admire and like Johnny during the game.

    I imagine what we see about him is how he sees himself, his lowest moments you know.

    I had to take care of my cat who was ill, in time, all I could remember was me having to force her to take medications and all that shit. Johnny had a long time to only focus on what he fucked up.

  7. Traditional-Party-76

    He’s an uncompromising idealist in a world where everyone is willing to compromise anything and nothing is sacred. He has an undeniable Messianic aura

  8. SuboptimalSupport

    Johnny’s a dick, but his whole anti-corpo stance and general charisma make people want to like him, look for something redeemable. We also don’t get to see a lot of their early past, so he might have been fun to be around before he started to spiral, too.

    Picking up V’s nicer qualities just make it easer to some good in him, too.

    Rogue’s clearly still carrying some survivor’s guilt and Johnny being back is also making her reconsider her life in general. She sold out to the corpos, and doesn’t seem to be on good terms with her son.

    Kerry’s a mess, he’s clearly always had a thing for Johnny, but also everything about him in 2077 makes it clear he’s been longing for the 2020s for decades. Johnny coming back gives him exactly what he’s been wanting.. (cue the conspiracy theories). No way he’s passing up another shot at Johnny.

  9. Falchion92

    I’m still pissed at Rouge for screwing Panam.

  10. chrishatesjazz

    Firstly, I think it’s fair to assume most edgerunners are traumatized and often broken people. These are people who live on the margins, doing wet work for the highest bidders and corporations.

    It’s almost important to remember that Rogue has lost connection with her son at this point in the story. I think it’s reasonable for someone to seek comfort in the familiar and idealize the potential to rekindle things after 50 years of thinking someone was dead.

    Lastly, as a rockerboy, Johnny has preternatural allure and charisma. It’s effectively his superpower to attract and persuade those around him. On top of that, he’s a rockstar with a rockstar attitude, he’s got some sort of fucked up value set that makes him vile to be around but wickedly, persuasively principled.

    Who wouldn’t want to be the one who tamed or fixed Johnny Silverhand — famed rockerboy who tried to take it to Arasaka?

  11. RiqueSouz

    Don’t forget that the in-game Johnny isn’t the real Johnny, Alt even said his memories were mostly fake, is more like the relic Johnny is his arm cyberpsychosis incarnation rather than the real Johnny’s personality.

  12. It’s probably not just one thing. Firstly, Johnny is an ass, but he isn’t a narcissist. He also has some pretty admirable qualities. He fights for what he thinks is right no matter how big his enemy is. He’s willing to save those he cares for, risking his life. He’s capable and descisive. Handsome, and apparently has an impressive cock. 😉

    Also, ppl like Rogue, Alt, and Kerry are used to being surrounded by ass kissers. Even Kerry talks about that when he’s older. Nobody respects ass-kissers, and Johnny was far from that, so it was probably refreshing being around him.

  13. MirthMannor

    Johnny is:

    – A classic bad boy
    – Cocky
    – hurt, with major “fix me vibes”
    – a war veteran
    – a big dreamer
    – talented at moving the crowd
    – probably fun to watch him be a dick to other people

    He’s got a lot going for him.

  14. Just_a_Rose

    Pretty simple

    Johnny genuinely isn’t that bad of a guy once you actually get to know him. He’s a bit hostile and kind of a douche but not in a way that’s flat out hateable, it’s pretty understandable why he’d be so uptight all the time really. But that’s only if you’re not on his good side.

    Get to know him, be friends with him, have some private moments where guard can be dropped, and he’s pretty chill. *That* is the Silverhand they all fell for. Not the public eye’s idea of Silverhand.

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