Intel is laying off over 10,000 employees and will cut $10 billion in costs

Intel is laying off over 10,000 employees and will cut $10 billion in costs


  1. *10K people.*

    I don’t care whether or not that’s “a small percentage” of Intel’s total headcount: that’s 10K people out of a job and that’s heartbreaking.

    Fuck Intel’s leadership.

    **Edit:** article was updated. That number is now **15K.**
    **Edit edit**: The number *could* be as many as **19K.** Fucking hell.

  2. Far_Process_5304

    They are lucky they have the backing of Uncle Sam because they are floundering hard

  3. Downtown-Regret8161

    And as usual the normal employees have to face the consequences of the wrongdoings of their management. But with all happening at Intel at the moment this does not surprise me…

  4. Fairstrife_Deception

    better competition mean lost in profit for the competitor so then layoff happen.

    Intel literally had a monopoly in the CPU space for 15 years. that free money is now death with amd taking the profit now.

    10 000 today, twice more tomorrow as Intel become irrelevant.

  5. average-reddit-or

    Cue in the dude from WSB who’s claimed to have bought 700k in Intel stocks lol

  6. quietyoucantbe

    Didn’t Intel get billions from the US government recently?

  7. Fuck that corrupt company with its endless shitting on consumers, backstage games, bribing level we can only imagine, manipulative misleading trickstering with people’s brains like most recent “core truths” shit, incorportated shady 3rd parties like “principled technologies”, blatant lying with testing like secretly chiller cooled 56-core xeon as fake threadripper competitior etc etc. I really hope it will be abandoned and that would be well deserved. I wish someone could make just an infromational web page with the track record of how intel actually does business. I hate agenda that says “only performance matters” and “competition is good”. No. THAT kind of competition cannot be good. Its a fight with manipulative narcisstic troll that uses cheats and instigates you where you are just trying to do at least something. Let that garbage company die already.

  8. jinkinater

    I live in phoenix and they have a big plant here and they’re building a microprocessor plant that’s huge and 20 billion dollars. Who are they even going to hire to fill the plant?

  9. CatatonicMan

    I would say I’m surprised… but I’m really not.

  10. But aren’t they building a plant in America? Or something

  11. Legitimate-Fly2655

    Executives fuck up and workers pay the price, fuck this system we live in

  12. “oh no we are going to lose money with the 13 and 14 gen problem caused by our executives rushing things, let’s punish out workers and keep our stupid executives”

  13. PalpitationNo4375

    So let me get this right.

    Intel sold a CPU with a fault. Ok fine shit happens.

    But then they refuse to issue a recall and in response to their OWN fuck ups they fire their staff to cut losses, that they caused.

    I’ll be shocked if their stocks doesn’t drop more than 10%

  14. michaelcreiter

    Well shit guess I’m going amd next round

  15. Mister_Cairo

    Alternatively, you could try making products that don’t suck.

  16. queen-adreena

    Did the userbenchmark.com division get let go?

  17. Real qestion is what kind of positions are being laid off? Researchers?

  18. Nuckyduck

    Wait, and I still don’t get a recall for my unstable i7? Like I barely made it through the work year gaslighting myself something is up. And now I see they’re firing people so they can make… even worse chips??

    AMD is my new best friend until a time that I believe this company isn’t suffering from some type of catastrophic corporate illness. Destroy customers, destroy workers, what is the point of you being here if you’re not going to be *useful.* Blizzard 2.0?

  19. elijuicyjones

    Funny how this is only news to hard core intel fans who’ve been ignoring reality for years.

  20. The report from Intels quarterly report says about 15,000 employees.

  21. Stryker218

    They are already setting money aside for the lawsuit.

  22. hey Pat, can you please start by firing yourself? thanks you.

  23. MrUltraOnReddit

    I swear I just got an Intel job add on YouTube like an hour ago…

  24. gigglephysix

    so, to put it in perspective: to accomodate for a domestic fab you go on a DOMESTIC firing spree, decreasing overall confidence, keeping the segment better at taking credit – and shareholders are demanding record profits regardless, despite the fact that if the plan truly and sincerely fails it’s not their property but rather their power that’s at stake.

    This has ‘winning strategy’ written all over it. To put the cherry on top i recommend buying out benchmark software companies.

  25. PoshDiggory

    Why does Intel keep shooting themselves in the foot? Lmao.

  26. Twin_Turbo

    Who could have seen a tech company that jumped head first into dei would start failing. I certainly couldn’t have seen this coming.

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