
Is Palworld a “dead game”? Who cares, says the game’s developer

Is Palworld a “dead game”? Who cares, says the game’s developer


  1. GoliathLandlord

    Of course, why would he care that much? If they never even sold another copy of palworld they’ve still generated enough revenue to keep the servers online for 123 years.

  2. bankais_gone_wild

    Considering it’s a new IP with little legacy nostalgia and branding, the steam charts seem alright. Definitely a huge drop but still a sustained population

    More prominent brands have gone through much bigger drops, with much larger development teams

    Many shooters still deliver less despite milking their players for shit value

    Plus, unlike an fps or hero shooter, you really don’t need a lobby-filling matchmaking population to sustain this one

  3. I don’t get it. I bought it, played the content was there, put it away, came back when there was more content and put it away. This is what I do with every game. This one doesn’t strike me as a never-ending, live-service, always be in it kind of game.

    I have friends who like to “gloat” at how Palworld has dropped all it’s players, as if it’s some kind of win or something.

    I also don’t see a ton of people in Metal Gear Revengeance any more for some reason too. I wonder why.

  4. Chilled_Noivern

    Live Service has ruined how people view games.

  5. RockHumper25

    with how much they’ve made it’s no surprise that’s their stance

  6. almost 50k players peak in the last 24 hours on steam only. This is REALLY good. Most people are waiting for content to drop anyway. They are waiting for 1 or 2 more big content updates before coming back to the game. Palworld has many more years to come as long the devs dont mess it up.

  7. lordraiden007

    It’s an Indy game in the top 50 most played games on the only platform the game is offered on. That’s impressive, and very far from “dead”.

    And even if it was, who cares? It’s a game you play until you’re done with it, then come back later.

  8. LustySkeleton

    God bless em.

    I’m gonna download n play this tonight.

  9. KaelRhain

    its still an early access game, also not a live service one, so what do they expect?

  10. SheIsGonee1234

    Yeah, I’m sure it’s no big deal to sell 2 million copies and make $100 million.

  11. Kitakitakita

    The same people that buy an unfinished AAA game bitch about how an Early Access title is unfinished. They’re going to keep adding stuff, they have an actual development team opposed to Valheim’s. Personally, I’m holding out until they make building a bit better. Which I’m sure they will.

  12. sweetpup915

    Of course they don’t. They were already moving on to the next rip off while palword was in the biggest hole stage

  13. ConsequenceChoice222

    Palworld wasn’t thought as a finished game, it was essentially a little treat for Pokémon fans who are disappointed by the lack of quality of the last Switch titles. Just recall that Pocketpair’s previous game, Craftopia, has been a “game preview” since its release in 2020.

  14. The hell? What does “dead game” even mean in this context? 

    Is God of War a dead game because less people are playing it since launch? no?

    It’s a one time purchase game. Im happy I don’t have to pay for the dlc yet lmao. 

  15. Mindless-Ad2039

    Common sense in the gaming industry? Colour me shocked!

  16. SomeOtherOrder

    This is still early access. Once they do a complete release, there will be a lot of renewed interest.

  17. FootFetish0-3

    Somewhere along the way publishers and media have forgotten that games are meant to be played, enjoyed, and put away. That’s the life of every game in history, but at some point people got it in their head that maintaining a player base was a valid metric.

    Most people don’t want a never-ending experience. Most people want a linear beginning, middle, and end. If it’s done well enough, people will ask for a sequel that does the same thing, but slightly better or different. Single-player games, especially, are designed to be beaten and forgotten by all but the most die-hard of have who will make their own fun with Speedruns, pacifist runs, glitch hunts, etc… That’s all these games need.

  18. Trajen_Geta

    I played the crap out of this game, I am waiting a year for updates then play again.

  19. Samourai03

    Not about the game, but the game director is a very cool guy

  20. Cloud_N0ne

    24,000 concurrent players in game as I’m typing this. In the middle of a work day. And that’s just PC numbers.

    The game is definitely not dead, tho it does need some substantial new content soon.

  21. “who cares” says the dev who made ridiculous money already

  22. zeromus12

    too many people want their “forever game” they can sink 100’s of hours into forever. not every game is like that and it would be shit if it was. its ok for games to end man LMAO, not everything needs to be WoW for ff14

  23. ArgyleDiamond

    The IP made 64x its cost in revenue. Aside from the finances of it, and as a gamer, I was stoked to get something just different and fun.

  24. Fun-Ad7613

    Why is there a article about this topic like every other month , like we get it , we get it …

  25. CyberDalekLord

    It’s an early access game, I played it for about 20 hours, then decided to pick it back up on full release. It was a fun but super janky game.

  26. The only games that can “die” are online only games that got their servers plugged off, like Rumbleverse or Mario 35.

  27. silenkurii

    It came out, played it solidly for 2 weeks and was done with it. New content came out and didn’t interest me, so not going to reinstall it and probably never will.

    That’s basically just games these days. Unless there’s new content being introduced regularly, or the base game has so much varied content that it’s enjoyable for a much longer period of time, they get stale very quickly for most people.

    If I recall, the Palworld devs didn’t even expect it to be so popular so they’re probably at ease with its current player base numbers.

  28. KamiIsHate0

    It’s almost like people finished the game and started playing other things.

  29. BentheBruiser

    You can say that gamers are entitled nowadays but this game was built upon being played for an extended period with its endless loop style of gameplay. There’s no final boss. No story to follow. No true “completion”. It’s just catch pals and build base. As you progress you continue to do this but bigger and more.

    This game was built as anything but a one and done experience. I get the point people are trying to make but that ain’t this game.

  30. Outrageous-Yam-4653

    No Mans Sky 1 year after release had 600 concurrent players playing what is it today or now?

  31. Don’t care.

    They’ve got a shitload of funds and I’m sure a massive update with new and improved pals, more construction options and improved tech tree and skills will bring back a lot of people.

    If they really want to…

  32. lycanthrope90

    Are you telling me millions of people don’t have to play a game for decades for it to still be good and profitable?

  33. Doesn’t matter wasn’t a subscription or microtransaction game. In the future they can release dlc too that will get decent sales if it’s good.

  34. The “dead game” narrative is one of the worst things to come out of gaming in the last few years.

    You have people comparing every game to FN and League acting like a game is dead if it doesn’t have a half million people on at all times.

  35. I’ve always thought saying a game is dead really needs more context on player numbers. Yes losing 80% of your players could constitute being a dead game but if you had 100 millions players and now it’s 20 million it’s not a dead game you still have millions of players. Same as saying they only lost 20% but you had 100 players and now it’s 80 you have a dead game.

  36. thegreatmango

    It was shovelware with AI assets that made tons of money with little effort and got away with it, of course they don’t care.

  37. Game was a big hit. It was really fun, and that’s it. I don’t understand why every single game in existence has to go through the live service treatment, turning it into a huge gambling machine full of paid cosmetics.

  38. DefiantLemur

    Palworld isn’t a MMO. They made their money and have moved on.

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