is this guy legit ??

after a game I checked the profile of the last guy i fragged and we were pretty surprised:

is this guy a pubg superstar or what ? ( )

We've seen people with around 400-500 avg damage and around 4k/d and after checking replays we concluded they were good players,
we've watched some pubg gods like TGLTN and NIXZY hovering around 7KD

but we never saw anyone else with that kind of crazy stats, even checking on some of the previous seasons, this dude is maintaining around 20 KD and 1000+ avg playing solo vs duos with 200+ games

From what we were able to spectate on the replay, we couldn't tell if he was cheating for sure but at the same time he was a very average player


  1. Those are bot rounds where he got most kills. So can very well be legit. (I checked last two wins, and those were almost exclusively bots). Playing mostly on unpopulated server or a weird time most likely.

  2. Deep-Pen420

    Bots. NA duos average 50+ bots outside of peak hours. This account is max level, they’ve prob been playing this game for 8 years.

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