
Bungie Announces Major Restructuring, acknowledging it was “overly ambitious”

Bungie Announces Major Restructuring, acknowledging it was “overly ambitious”


  1. Twin_Titans

    The deal with activision was a red flag. I can’t believe Sony dove right in.

  2. BitingArtist

    Sony will never make that money back. Just have to wipe the mess and move forward.

  3. Geeekaaay

    So why not fire someone who made the overly ambitious call? Oh I see, capitalism never finds fault with the C levels breaking everything. Nah, it must be the fault of all those people they hired that have no operational control at all. THEY are to blame for investors loosing money! THEY must be punished!


    The fact that Bungie thought their shit didn’t stink so badly, they sank other peoples “live service” ideas while their own is on fucking fire will never NOT be hilarious to me.

  4. OliverCrooks

    Overly ambitious or arrogant? Seems like Destiny 2 content has been more of a shitshow than anything.

  5. torgian11

    > Today, our focus is on supporting our people.  

    >  **220 of our roles will be eliminated**

    I see, I see.

  6. Dany_Targaryenlol

    I remember Jim Ryan saying some shit like “**Bungie will bring more value to Sony than ActivisionBlizzardKing will bring to Microsoft**”

    That statement will always be wild to me haha. 😂

    Microsoft owns the best selling game every single year in Call of Duty. **This IP earns $30+ billion total so far.**

    Microsoft owns one of the biggest mobile game in Candy Crush. **This IP earns $20+ billion total so far.**

    Sony basically bought Bungie for their “Live Service expertise”. I think they were the people that went in and got Sony to shut down that multiplayer The Last of Us game that had been worked on for a few years now.

  7. GoldenGouf

    When was the last good game they made? Halo 2? The talent is long gone and it shows.

  8. devilishycleverchap

    So if they weren’t ambitious then these people wouldn’t have had these jobs in the first place?

  9. More like shitty choices time after time after time after time brought Bungie to this place. Whoever made choices in regards to destiny should never make choices over games again

  10. posananer

    The CEO can’t been seen driving last years Benz. So people gotta go. More profit for the “company”

  11. Nyarlathotep98

    I remember when Bungie made Halo 2 in 6 months. If anything, they lack the ambition they used to have.

  12. eviltrain

    “Overly Ambitious” in not treating their people well.

  13. Picklepartyprevail

    All the bullshit with Destiny 2 time and time again has totally soured my interest in Bungie as a developer. I just don’t want to play their games anymore.

  14. chilliboy217

    Wish they would drop Destiny 3. I’d love to give D2 a shot but it’s extremely unwelcoming to new players.

  15. Should’ve stuck to Halo.

    Said they got tired of it after 10 years, then proceeded to only make destiny (and do a terrible job at it) for the next 10 years.

  16. BrofessorFarnsworth

    Start with the C-suite or get fucked

  17. ucfknight92

    At this point, Sony taking over is a good thing. Bungie couldn’t handle the enormous monster of a game they created, and props to them for making it in the first place. Sony makes excellent games, and I expect them to give us the Destiny 3 we deserve.

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