What’s something you’re excited about in the next game? [COD]

Based on what we know so far, whats something that you're excited for? I think movement is catching my interest atm I've always been a fan of seeing how much COD could improve in the movement department.


  1. jespertherapper

    That we get a Treyarch game again

    Even their worst game is still better then a lot of other cods

  2. geesee101

    uhh it being good? cod has been sucking some major dick for the last 2 years and even tho my favorite series has fallen off and cant be revived, i hope this is a decent game.

  3. Jazzlike-Ebb-175

    I’m excited to use the FAL again. I hope it’s capable of firing fully-automatic like BO2’s select fire FAL.

  4. Mostly campaign and Zombies, although multiplayer will probably also be fun.

  5. anlineoffline

    A coherent campaign, theater mode, and round based zombies

  6. DrWolfgang760

    The story. The multiplayer will be pay to win garbage…

  7. I for some reason have faith in the zombie team delivering us some unique and original zombies maps but I’m skeptical. At the same time, the new movement system looks dope and I’m happy we are getting classic prestige back. The campaign has the chance to become one of the greats since we are getting a healthy mix of fan-favourite characters and new ones I was getting sick of the fact that they are just re-using the same set of characters that have been around for 15+ years.

  8. ispinrecords

    I’m not expecting it, especially since I’m not up to date on info that has been released up to now, but I would love for a return of gambling mode from Back Ops 1.

  9. keyblaster52

    I’m worried it will play like a MW game but I’m excited to see Adler back and the Dark Aether storyline continue

  10. Last cod I truly played was BO4 I’m just hoping for a comeback but I don’t think this is it either, time will tell tho.

  11. Everything. Can’t wait for a new 3arc game. Been excited for this since Cold War ended. IW and Sledgehammer don’t make great games anymore.

  12. Sir_Cumcised_II

    That they remove or at least improve the hideous Call of Duty HQ UI, that alone makes me not wanna play anything

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