This is actually laughable.

This is actually laughable.


  1. the_Wolly_

    It’s meta what did you expect? People trying to have fun in this game and play with weapons they like? Nah that was like 4 years ago, the good times are over bud

  2. RbtheGhost007

    yeah, Rank is full of BP50s, players have shifted from MG42 to BP50, BP50 kills you before you could even react. I use Oden mainly and BP50s kill me even before I fully scoped in……

    I think, Adding Vanguard weapons in Codm without proper balancing was the worst decision, both Mg42 and BP50 have such a low TTK and high fire rate with NO noticiable Recoil. I mean Fennec is also a fast firing low TTK weapon but atleast it has decent recoil and not every Tom, dick and harry could pick it up and start using it……

  3. ongamenight

    It’s because there’s an event specifically asking you to use BP50 in exchange of EXP.

  4. What the hell? Why they gotta use my class? xD
    Though I use frag and stimshot, and the perks are different.

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