Are these settings i can use for PBO without blowing my build up? (5700x3d)

Are these settings i can use for PBO without blowing my build up? (5700x3d)


  1. Asking chat gpt for such things is not good idea, half of internet does not know shit and chat gpt trained on that shit

  2. 5700x3d will never hit it 140w power limit at 4ghz.. mine hardly pulls 100w at very hard avx2 workloads. Don’t bother, just set co to -30 and test if it’s stable.

  3. Noxious89123

    Yes, although the examples gives are poor, in my opinion.

    For example, my 5900X performs better with the EDC set at 140A than it does with it set at 160A.

    If I allow it to draw more current, it will.

    But the result is that the core temperatures are higher, and so the clock speeds don’t boost as high!

    I expect that you could set all three as high as possible, and it would still be safe; the FIT algorithm will only request voltage that it considers safe, and you’ll hit thermal limits before the current is high enough to damage anything.

    Oh, and don’t use ChatGPT for shit like this, use reliable sources that include context.

    r/overclocking (this sub) is pretty good for help, but if you want a really deep resource of information, I’d recommend checking out [overclock.net](https://overclock.net) and doing some reading.

    If you do, please respect that it is on old-school forum and as such has a higher standard for posting, commenting and general “etiquette”, than reddit does.

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