
My debut novel, Falling Into Oblivion, comes out this October. ARC signups are open for an early review copy.

My debut novel, Falling Into Oblivion, comes out this October. ARC signups are open for an early review copy.

1 Comment

  1. GroovyChainsawHand

    Hi r/Cyberpunk!

    I’m so excited to get this story into people’s hands. *Falling Into Oblivion* is a cyberpunk thriller about a detective trying to make ends meet for his family. This story touches on some of the classic themes you expect to find within the cyberpunk genre with a couple of twists.

    I will be sending out advanced review copies (ARCs) by late September or earlier. Sign up for a free review copy here: [](

    Here’s the blurb and quick sales pitch.


    Detective Sol Harkones is tangled in the wires of a deadly conspiracy involving defective body modifications causing permanent brain damage. A suspect is known, but something more dangerous may be lurking in the shadows.

    A city plagued by waste.

    Violence fills the streets.

    Oblivion is within reach.

    Falling Into Oblivion is the electrifying first book in the Tendrils of Chrome cyberpunk sci-fi series. If you’re a fan of William Gibson’s Neuromancer, HBO’s True Detective, or Philip K. Dick’s Blade Runner, you will love Aaron M. Payne’s rapid-fire saga.

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