Previous stable timings now unbootable

So a bit of a preface. My 5800X3D always run exceedingly hot for some reason, going to 90C even under light load. Probably some contact problems. Anyways, after many attempts managed to more or less tame it, but during these hot weeks problem resurfaced. Bought kryosheet to see if it helps. It actually did.

The problem was I reseated my CPU and forgot that this will reset BIOS. No biggie, I had my previous ram OC settings saved. That horrible micron E die that is unstable with docp is another story. So I type in all those settings and I get stuck at orange motherboard light with bios reset the only option. After a few more attempts, I don't know what to do. I mean if it was unstable sure, but it just refuses to boot.

The strange thing is that under stock RAM, I still got 2 WHEA 19 interconnect/bus errors, though etock has weird timings so maybe nothing special. I have no idea how the hell things changed that much. Weirdly, bus speed is now shown as 99.8, though before I am sure it was flat 100.

So any idea what to tweak here? I ran these at 1.45V. That's also 4×8 so more strain on memory controller.

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