I have a very long Ethernet cable. Is it safe to have it wrapped around the leg of my desk like this?

I have a very long Ethernet cable. Is it safe to have it wrapped around the leg of my desk like this?


  1. Independent-Ad4560

    Ethernet carries only very low voltage and your cable looks beefily shielded. Its fine.

  2. MadduckUK

    No, if you send too much data it can effectively become a coil gun and shoot your desk leg through the floor/ceiling (depending on if your uploading or downloading).

  3. Noch_ein_Kamel

    The electrons could fly out of the cable if the radius is too tight

  4. Stardew-Valley-IRL

    It will net work until it net won’t.

  5. William_Bascavilla

    Your downoad speeds will be spiraling out of control, that’s all.

  6. L0veToReddit

    It you accidentally move your table, it will break your cable port..

  7. dankcuddlybear-v2-0

    Make sure you remember to unplug it before moving the PC. You don’t want to damage the port.

  8. If the data flows through too quickly they may feel sick and vomit, but otherwise it should be safe 😉

  9. saidgheldane36

    Data is gonna keep accelerating and blow up your pc

  10. StomachosusCaelum

    This looks fine. And it doesn’t look ugly when looking at it. Great cable management.

  11. HolyGonzo

    Safe? Sure.

    Two things that come to mind:

    1. If you have a cat, they MIGHT treat it as a scratching post. Depends on the cat.

    2. If you need a long Ethernet cable later on and you try to use this one, it’ll probably want to keep curling up pretty tightly, which can be annoying when you’re handling the cable.

    The cat thing is probably the only true concern, but maybe you don’t have one or maybe it won’t care at all about it.

  12. Mastasmoker

    Yes, it helps to add centrifugal force to the data and slings it into your pc faster.

  13. SBriggins

    Add some more slack to the top. You want to account for unexpected movement.

  14. imthebonus

    I’m Cisco certified, and when cabling, they teach us not to use 90 degrees bends, use correct terminations on the ends, don’t mix erhernet and power in one run, lots of “tips” like that…. never told us not to grap around a pole, so… you are golden ✨️

  15. JohnThursday84

    You’ve created an inductor, and hence, have created a magnetic field which slows down the data stream.

  16. JimBeam555

    Could potentially make your speeds slower. The network packets get dizzy when traveling through coiled cables like that and end up being received in the wrong order.

  17. alamedamodbot

    Actually this can cause cross talk. Probably
    not much at this length but coiling a ton can create an issue. I’ve had dropped packets on 100m of coiled cat5e still in the box in the roll where I put an end on both ends. Unspooled it worked fine.

  18. YesterdayDreamer

    Just leave a little bit of slack and you should be fine.

  19. plasticjet

    After a MAX of two weeks you will have to unwrap it and warp it other way around. Otherwise you might create a data whirlpool and it will mess up your internet speed.

  20. Better to make some ring and zip tie them to the pc directly so when you move the case the cable get dragged too… no real induction problem, that cable looks like a stp cable

  21. If you match the rotations of data up the tube with the rotations of your memory disk, you unlock the matrix

  22. MindStalker

    If it was much longer it wouldn’t work very well. The past 200 feet you start to get latency issues. 

  23. Yes, its safe. Personally I would unwind one or two coils just to have some extra cable if I move my table or PC

  24. Frostsorrow

    100% you will rip that cord out of your PC. Might not be today, might not be tomorrow, but one day you’ll go to move the desk for some reason and forget about the cord and BAM.

  25. Thick-Ad2454

    Its fine but I would suggest having enough slack to pull the pc out if necessary.

  26. MrTigeriffic

    Looks good to me only thing I’d do is give the end connector a bit more slack, just in case there is any unexpected movement of the case or table.

  27. As long as its not a power cord, it’s safe and won’t create a magnetic field around it

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