
Found out that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still in development, 16 years after announcement… Fans better gotta be patient…

Found out that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still in development, 16 years after announcement… Fans better gotta be patient…


  1. Electrical_Life6186

    You know what’s funny ? There is this weird show with Ubisoft-licensed characters called “Captain Lazerhawk” and it’s like a joke… Sam Fisher is a disabled veteran without legs, Rayman is a ex-anchor coke addict… stuff like that. But among all of it is the strangest one – the main protagonist of BG&E – Jade, she is a reporter in it, I think…

    And all I am asking while seeing all of this drug-fueled nonsense is “Who the flying fuck even remembers Jade but us oldies at this point ?”.

  2. LucasBouyoux

    I remember when Skull & Bones was launched, Ubisoft called it a AAAA game because of the time and budget they spent on it. Brace yourself folks, this one will be a AAAAA game.

  3. Crab_Lengthener

    BG&E: I’m a plucky intergalactic reporter going about my business across the galaxy! I’m going to take photos of the crazy wildlife I see, and probably meet some cool new friends along the way!

    trailer for BG&E 2: Yeah I’m a fucking reporter you fucking prick, fuck you if you don’t think I’m hauling ass across the fucking galaxy while meeting a bunch of new assholes, those shit heads, fuck!

  4. Mr_NoKleep

    You hear that fellas? Better gotta be patient

  5. aseddon130

    Makes you wonder how many ‘fans’ this sequel will actually have clambering for it? I don’t know anybody who is looking forward to this.

  6. Dont_have_a_panda

    Considering the last update on the Game they said they didnt made much Progress on the Game…..

    Yeah this will soon dethrone duke nukem forever as the longest Game in development ever

  7. PlurblesMurbles

    I feel like too few devs remember the parable of duke nukem forever

  8. xohmygothfree

    ‘The game is still in development’ – Ubisoft.

    ‘This means nothing’ – Reddit

  9. NatalieMichaael

    I’m excited about it, but I feel like Ubisoft needs to give the first game a remaster.

  10. QHN1712normalguy

    What is this game about anyway? I watched the trailer a while back and can’t tell what is happening

  11. LaserGadgets

    I am very patient, but after a while I just stop to care. Some games are worth full price on release but if you let me wait 15 fucking years, I grab it on sale because waiting another year or 2 is no biggie.

  12. I watched the gameplay trailer that came about a few years back and it looked really really poor to be honest, although I imagine it’s a totally different beast at this point.

  13. Odysseyan

    Was hyped initially but look at Duke Nukem Forever and other games that spent over a decade in development hell. Should this game ever release, it will be a mess

  14. Xilvereight

    I remember seeing that impressive demo ages ago. There is no way this launches and doesn’t flop, no way.

  15. Tenocticatl

    I honestly don’t get why they’d make things so difficult. BG&E is the perfect kind of game to have another go at: fun setting and characters, solid art style that shouldn’t break the bank to spruce up, lots of gameplay concepts that could be either dropped or fleshed out a bit, a rushed and kind of bare-bones ending with lots of empty space to fill in… And they completely overscope for the next one and keep failing because of it!

  16. Sounds like Star Citizen which has now what like 10 years dev time ?

  17. SmugCapybara

    This is “We have Duke Nukem Forever at home”…

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