Player farming medals illegitimately

So I've just been termporarily banned for 24h, and falsely so. I'm gonna make an attempt to explain

I decided to hop into ranked, the first game of the day, and I ended up parachuting towards train station on Vikendi. To my side I see what looks like 8 people completely afk landing in a compound nearby, and 1 guy who seems to be landing "normally", way ahead of the other 8. I changed my pathing and went there to see whats going on.

I land and pick up a gun, and find that the 8 other people have landed next to the compound, all of them standing completely still. Then the 1st guy starts shooting them, 1 by 1. I shoot the real player in the back, and end up killing him alongside the 8 "afkers".

Instantly as I kill these people I get kicked out of the game, and find that I have been 24h banned for "suspected cheats".

The name of the first player I killed was "DK-Fusheng". I do some investigating on him and find that he has killed the same 8 players a bunch of games in a row. You can check his profile at and see for yourself. He simply lands, kills his other accounts, leaves the game and repeats, getting 1 reaper medal and 1-2 predator medals from each game.

I think he controlls these 8 other accounts, and simply uses them to farm medals. And when I interrupted him by killing him and his other accounts, he reported me from all of them and triggered an automatic 24h ban. Now, I can't say for sure that he controlls all the accounts. It could also be multiple people helping him out.

Anyhow.. Extremely frustrating to get banned for such a thing, as I feel like I haven't done anything wrong in this scenario.


  1. HisAlmightyDudeness

    that’s so fucked, I would be mad

    maybe write the support about it?

  2. yeah… writing to support and linking his account and, if possible, the other 8 as well might work. You’re 100% sitting this ban out but they might do something about those accounts and also reset your ban timer so that you don’t get unlucky again and sit for a week or whatever the next ban after the 24h is…

  3. Desperate_Metal_2165

    Theory adds up for sure. Look how many times he gets exaxtly 8 kills and 800 dmg

  4. LebPower95

    this has been going for a while, nothing new unfortunately (been shown on many streams already)

    they do it to boost accounts and sell them to kids who want to show off that they can play the game ^_^

  5. Farming medals to sell later for a couple of 100’s where most buyers are active cheaters. However, this furthermore confirms my theory about the 24 hours ban and how it’s triggered by reports, not unusual software usage.

  6. Oh look at that, another one of these, so not only is nobody doing anything against it, but there is the easiest proof that what the devs said about temp ban criteria is bullshit and tempbans absolutely do happen just like that, like I was discussing in a post just yesterday despite of what the devs have said. (if interested in that topic deeper: []( )

    Let me link you a post about the exact same thing about 10 months ago ( []( ), which has someone being banned for what I suspect is the exact same thing and then copypaste my comment from there:

    >Ooooh, I know EXACTLY what you mean. Happened to me about 2 years ago. Does this ring any bells?


    >I suspect its some sort of a boosting service, where about 30 bot accounts drop somewhere on purpose and dont move, while one guy kills them all and thus gets a LOT of points for ranked. And if anyone intervenes and kills either a lot of the bots or the players farming he gets banned immediately, let me explain how, its essentially exploiting the automatic tempban system, which is notoriously garbage with no checks:

    >It is very simple: Enough people report you in a short amount of time -> insta tempban no checks no nothing, then they review if you did anything wrong and apply a permaban if you are actually cheating. If not, the tempban expires and you can carry on like nothing has happened. I dont know the amount of people needed to report you to get you tempbanned, but I would guess its about 5-15 in a span of an hour or so. The reason it happens with these (by me suspected) boosters is that you either kill 5-15 of his bots and they report you to get you autotempbanned on purpose or you kill the guy who is getting boosted who killed all those bot accounts which are then spectating him and skip to spectating you when you kill him and report you and instatempban you.

    >Now with that explanation look at my clip and thats I believe exactly what is going on: I land on I place because I see 30 people dropping in the middle of the field and I am greedy for some easy kills. I see this guy farms like 15 of them with a vector and he is just chilling. I kill about 3 of them and nothing major happens. Then I headshot the guy doing the boosting and within 10 seconds all the bot accounts switch to spectating me from him and the rest is history. Immediate tempban.

    >Or I can simply be just wrong. Let me know how this matches up with your experience!

    As you can see, very similar scenario for all of us with very similar results, you already figured most of what (I suspect) is happening by yourself.

    No you did nothing wrong and you cannot do anything against it. And yeah, it fucking sucks big time.

  7. sirHotstaff

    He isn’t medal farming per se! He is ranked point farming, kills give you an Elo boost in your ranked rating, it’s an old trick ranked booster/farmers use to see high leveled account without cheating, just scamming with multiple accounts…

  8. chubbysumo

    hope you took a video. that is called rank boosting, and its a paid service that people pay for. It has been brought up before.

    The reason they only use 8 dummy’s is because that is the most points you can get for a match now, so once they get 8 kills, they go and die, and their rank goes up. PUBG has been aware of this for years and punishes people that find the rank farming.

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