Counter-Strike 2

Bruh, what kind of scam is this? I’ve just installed CS2 and am getting these types of DMs

Bruh, what kind of scam is this? I’ve just installed CS2 and am getting these types of DMs

by kunimitsuuuu


  1. Inconspicuous_goblin

    Change your password immediately and disconnect any trusted devices on your account through steam and reset your 2FA, they probably got your steam api key through a website you might’ve logged into recently, goodluck and I hope you’re able to get your account back op <3

  2. Basic phishing tactic, I’d stop accepting friend requests.

  3. When this happens this should be ur response.
    “Oh no, how that could happen..
    I’m really sorry and I’m really scarred that i will need to visit ur mother once again to put in her another autistic kid, so u will get brother soon. Congratulations!”

  4. DizzyTelevision09

    Give him your cc info already, he tried so hard.

  5. Naebliiss

    Don‘t click any links or you risk installing malware and giving away your login details

  6. Why are you even accepting random invites and chats?

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