
Feels like it’s a bit skewed to one side, how would you improve?

I had a hard time getting everything in frame lmao

by arne_mh


  1. Robsteady

    Did you print the Nirvana and Twenty-One Pilots logos yourself?

  2. Lovely setup. Love those speakers. Do you connect the computer to them too?

  3. Gold_Hornet_923

    I would shift the organizer/bulletin board over to the right to be above your monitor, that alone will make your setup look far less skewed. I would also add another drawer/storage system under the right side of your table to make it look a little bit more symmetrical. Other than that it’s super cozy ngl.

    Edit: I would also move that green poster over to the wall on the right the side in that little corner there.

  4. Exciting_Swordfish16

    First of all, put the speakers on the extreme ends, so you know something is straight. Then I’d put the bulletiin board smack dab in the middle the wall behind the monitor. I’ld also move the shelf/shelves to be aligned with the right side of the monitor. I would also trade places for the amp and 3D printer. Looks like there’s things on the second shelf and it’s a shame that they’re covered. I’d also get another drawer thingie (no idea what they’re called in English. It’s not really a chest of drawers, is it?) to put on the right side.

    Lastly, I would offset the deskpad so I have about one hands width of pad on the left side of the keyboard. Isn’t the whole point of a smaller keyboard that it takes less real estate and gives you more space for mouse movements?

  5. its-Mk-47

    You can use your amplifier as a monitor stand. And add another Alex drawer on the rite side.

  6. croutherian

    Definitely don’t use a 3D printer near your breathing area.

    One word: Microplastics.

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