Call of Duty: Zombies

Mystery Box Keycaps Now Available

$60 USD


  1. barrack_osama_0

    I strive to one day be rich enough that I’m willing to spend $60 on a backspace key

  2. Terrific_Tom32

    Activision be like: we know you guys hate our microtransactions in-game, but we know you’ll buy them, so anyway, here’s an IRL microtransaction. Enjoy!

  3. DarkLeviathan8

    “shop this MUST-HAVE accessory” yeah $60 usd lmfao, a must have for who bro

    also looks borderline unpractical

  4. Shatoodles

    you can literally buy black ops 3 at full price for that amount man and they’re offering a keycap LOL

  5. Jojo-the-sequel

    For that price i’ll just imagine it hard enough in my head and be satisfied

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