FPS Games

Battlefield 6 is DOA Thanks to EA’s planned in game Advertainments

Mr.Sinster strikes again!
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  1. Football fans pay for cable TV and sit through a game with 20 minutes of ads an hour and don't complain. The sad part is this will probably end up working for EA.

  2. Man… these companies killed off all the shooters. Ghost Recon, CoD, Battlefield, Battlefront, SOCOM etc all dead.

  3. I’d like to thank him for saving me money not buying EA games. I can use that money to buy another guitar.🎸 I swear Wilson looks exactly like what AI art thinks an evil CEO looks like.

    Same goes for Afro-Ubisoft.

    Before any left-wing wackos start in on me, my family is full of mixed race people, and my first cousin is black/Korean, so pike off. Our lineage is more “diverse” by accident of birth than most of the performative victims that want to call me a bigot. And none of us play the victim card because we’re more educated and mature than that.

  4. I played every BF up to BF4. That game just didnt have the magic the others did, with BF2 being my absolute #1 game in the series.

    Screw modern games. I have a backlog of steam sales stacked up if i ever want to play something.

  5. After Battlefield 1 came out, and thinking Call of Duty was slipping after the Infinite Warfare trailer, I thought that if Battlefield keeps this up they may over take Call of Duty. Boy, do I feel stupid now.

  6. If y'all didn't spend billions of dollars taking part in being abused, they wouldn't do it.


    No, you do have a choice. You could, you know, get a fkn life or something.

  7. I have never wanted to purchase ANYTHING shown in ads. Ads mean absolutely nothing to me. If I want something I do not search a brand name, I simply search for the general item and then scrutinize what it contains. Triple A studios do not contain many creatives anymore, creatives are few and far between the marketing, analysts, psychologists, and brain dead execs who want Payers.

  8. Calling this guy Android Wilson is probably the last fun thing Jim Sterling did in his career…

  9. I don't really get it, if you want to put advertising in a BF game, just give me a coke can as health pack. Make a deal with Colt, Heckler&Koch or General Electric. Put a machine gun on a cyber truck or whateverthefuck. Force me to watch a clip and I'm gone like my libido the day after a one night stand once sobered up.

  10. At this point, it is more entertaining to watch AAA games fail than it is to play them. Pass the popcorn, please.

  11. I still remember the mfkers suggest that they should charge 1 dollar for each reload in your FPS game.

    That how high level of greedy we dealing here.

  12. When we complain capitalism has failed us, remember that there are indie devs out there putting their heart and soul into games.
    It's your money, your choice. The games are out there, you don't have to pay into this new BS, and you shouldn't.

  13. Did anyone else get the impression that Pap Gundam needs a hug? Papa Gundam, would you like a hug? C'mere, big guy, c'mere… it's gonna be OK, in a few year we'll have a Fallout game based on the current Amazon series, and you'll be staring at b'donk-a-donk cake for 10 hours a day as you explore the latest wasteland…

  14. "People are not as dumb as these companies think we are."
    I don't know, people keep buying every Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed that comes out. People praised the Fallout show.

  15. Im big battlefield fan vs cod but 2042 was by far worst game i tried do the steal hdd mode spent like 40hours in que didnt get enough players for 1 game and pc meant have bot option for it well ps5 didnt and next conquest so on bots couldnt get past rank 2 on anything it was dead at launch i deleted it was my first battlefield i didnt platinum trophy not because i didnt want but because i couldnt get the 40hour que no players and no story campaign at all was why bother

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