FPS Games

This is my first full clear of Pantheon, week 1.

i’ll have my thoughts and discussion and what not on pantheon in the coming days, but for now, as i’ve been doing with new content, here’s my team’s first clear of Pantheon, week 1. i’ll be uploading all weeks assuming there is some interesting stuff. week 4 will definitely be uploaded.

edited by: xVauda (twitter/Twitch)

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  1. i asked my chat this (live now btw https://www.twitch.tv/Datto) but someone asked if i was gonna make a full guide on the pantheon raid bosses and i said that i have guides already. but, as a joke, i suggested that i literally just rip the guides verbatim from the old raid guides and drop them into a video with the new changes to the fights. any desire for this or should i just stick to telling people what the changes are and then going from there, with links and resources and stuff?

  2. I have every raid seal but I literally don't remember how to do any of these fights. Can't wait for our pantheon run later tonight

  3. Pantheon was super fun. Did 2 sherpa runs and it was fun seeing the little twists. An ogre here, buffed up the knight there, fire tornadoes, and tormentors everywhere. So much loot too, one adept per encounter, plus two from the triumphs, plus the emblem and 2 or so raid drops per encounter.

  4. The one thing I don’t know about this mode is does it have to be all 4 bosses killed without wiping or can you wipe and then just redo the one you wiped on?

  5. Thx to Bungie and their broken voice chat on my PS5 I won’t even have to try to lfg this. Wish they would have used the opportunity to include a guided tutorial mode for non raiders.

  6. My copium tank is overflowing but imagine this is how we got old raid encounters back, plus why is this a limited time game mode it’s so dope. All boss encounters it’s the raid we wanted.

  7. I can't believe people are excited for this garbage. It's literally recycled content, which Bungie is apparently the king of.

    "Hey guys, we made a new subclass that totally isn't just a lazy combination class thrown together at the last minute!"

    Destiny 2 players: "OMG this is amazing!!! Daddy Bungie you're the best!!! Please keep being a predatory and disgusting company!!!"

  8. me desperately trying to remember raid encounters I’ve never played so I can get raid exotics for once

  9. Not me not doing pantheon because bungie killed my entire clan with their shenanigans over the last year and thus have no raid team anymore.

  10. This looks interesting, my issue is i've never done most of this and only want conditional from it, so i don't think i'll get it, i like the concept none the less however

  11. None of the hardcore raid guys will need any of the loot, it’s great for the rest of the community though, just a fun casual event, great to see bungie being creative with playlists lately its very promising

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