Mission impossible

Mission impossible


  1. Pliocenecu

    The art of hiding cables: a PC builder’s challenge.

  2. Blakewerth

    Huh really ? Its hardly believed i have like 3-6ports and almost all plugged my older pc had more mess of cable inside i wonder it didnt get overheated more often πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

  3. SnowyLynxen

    Does no one use the built in USB hub in their monitors I only have 3 cables. Ethernet HUB USB, HDMI and Ethernet.

  4. Ok-Traffic-9967

    Is this a personal attack against me cuz this hits home way harder than it should hahahaha

  5. Cirrus_Minor

    Does this mean the front of your PC is a cable mess?

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