Can you help me identify what that black bar thing is between the monitor/camera and the lights?

Can you help me identify what that black bar thing is between the monitor/camera and the lights?


  1. Looks like a light-bar pointing towards the keyboard to me.

  2. Games_sans_frontiers

    Looks like an anonymity bar to protect the identity of the person in the picture. πŸ™ƒ

    Edit: So jealous of the view from your window. Amazing.

  3. BigBoss738

    can anyone explain to me why this bar is so popular? i get that it’s fancy but i don’t understand why people get crazy about it. it’s just a “lamp” also light could reflect on the monitor giving nuisance… no? only me?

  4. admiralrev

    i think its a photoshop so that the person there could not be identified.

  5. Thewaltham

    The sensor bar for the world’s biggest wiimote

  6. PacxDragon

    Gooseneck light bar mounted to the desk behind the monitor. I have a similar one.

  7. Its an artificially made black bar to sensor his eyes, to try yo keep the persons identity private which i doubt it accomplish to do so. /jk

  8. UnleashedTriumph

    Its a lightbar one can clip to the top of the monitor so it shines on the keyboard and documents on the table.

    I can also pinpoint the exact building and lrobably even apartment in chicago so you can ask the owner himself πŸ™ƒ

  9. Traditional-Air6034

    the sensor in the middle is a eyetracker

  10. ScaredPomegranate297

    That’s a simple monitor light bar. It helps light up the keyboard and desk. On Amazon they range from 20$+

  11. Tyz_TwoCentz_HWE_Ret

    It’s a lightbar, this person does meetings often.

  12. BattleBra

    A censor usually seen on TV such as Jerry Springer to hide naughty stuff

  13. Looks like a sound bar. Makes sense since there are no speakers on the desk.

  14. It’s the best money I have spent on my PC in a long time.

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