My experience with various game launchers

My experience with various game launchers


  1. mirandanielcz

    Steam, Lutris and nothing else. Fuck all other launchers

  2. bisleriwithminerals

    I bought a game from epic, regretting my decision every time I want to play it

  3. Id actually put Epic Games wayyy below the surface, horrible for browsing games, spams you with shitty ads unless you turn them off and just feels sluggish in general.

  4. Arturopxedd

    I only like epic games for their sales but I use another launcher for actually playing them

  5. Breakingerr

    Ubisoft Launcher is terrible, it barely functions when I just want to launch a game

  6. I really miss the old days when we where not forced to install any launcher to play games.

    It’s nonsense almost every single game force you to install their dev. launcher even when you are installing the damn game from a launcher (eg. stream)

  7. last-picked-kid

    Me, a third world pirate, sailing between games icons, keygens.exe, cracks and many others sea dangers.

  8. EliasStar24

    i fell that the second row should be empty. Steam and gog are drasticly better than all the others

  9. QuiteAncientTrousers

    Is Battle.net worse than Ubisoft Connect now? I haven’t touched it in a good while but it was ok some years ago from what I can remember

  10. What are the 2 last launchers? Is one the bethesda launcher?

  11. Signal_Loss_157

    ea launcher should be higher and ubisoft should be much lower, only thing ea does right is there launcher

  12. ArgensimiaReloaded

    Didn’t know amazon had a game launcher lol

  13. Nah, Battle.net is much better than Epic Games and especially Uplay

  14. False-Citron58

    Xbox game launcher at the top..? Maybe if you’re playing on an actual Xbox. But not true at all on PC

  15. wellbreastfed

    EA doesn’t want you to launch their game I’m convinced

  16. BarrelAllen

    GOG is really good, it gives you old games with mods to make it work today and it gives you DRM free games

  17. FranticToaster

    GOG and Steam are the goats. Not even a doubt about that.

    I squint a bit at Epic being tier 2. No user reviews and no game details pages really is bad enough to knock it down to Origin/Ubi tier IMO.

  18. MaugaPlayer

    Rockstar once prevented me from launching GTA 5 **SINGLEPLAYER** (!) because their “social club” or whatever was down for maintenance. I couldn’t bypass it. Bar none the worst game launcher program ever.

    Ubisoft and EA are dogshit, couldn’t pay me to use them, but Rockstar executives should be blown up in minecraft maps.

  19. RandomnessConfirmed2

    Y’know, I can kind of see the Xbox and Epic launchers to be on the same level. At least the Xbox launcher functions better than Epic’s and has a better game manager interface.

  20. Dawn_of_Enceladus

    Can agree on the top two, but how tf is Epic up there. Also too generous with Uplay.

  21. Wait, why is rockstar so low? its atleast better then ubisoft and battlenet. i dont know about epic or xbox because i refuse to use epic and cant afford xbox.

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