FPS Games

When Toxic Gaming Goes Beyond Gameplay…

@Avenger__One uncovered an incredibly toxic and dangerous ring of players in Star Citizen doing stuff that borders on illegal and genuinely evil behavior…



  1. Lets not just think this is only happening on star citizen. This might actually be happening in other game communities. But everyone wants to ignore it because apparently toxicity is what makes games fun.

  2. lmao, this comment misses the point however, ppl just need their asz beat and i dont mean fight a foe. i mean, your friends need to hold you accountable. they arent your friends if they dont. id get my butt whooped by my buddies if i stepped so out of character for something like that. touch more grass kids, interact with ppl who dont live behind their pc. itll make life better.

  3. when the game is so bereft of gameplay, the playerbase comes up with this sort of nonsense to fill the void

  4. The only real way to fight against this is to do the same thing that they’re doing let’s just be honest with ourselves.

    Call out their behavior and put it out there for everybody to see.

  5. I'm really torn on this one. On one hand, taking it out of the game and into the real world is absolutely absurd. Grow up. On the other hand Avenger One is objectively a douche and absolutely the type of person to attract this type of toxicity. He's a serial alt+F4'er during combat and no stranger to flaming people in Global chat, sometimes taking it to the level of personal insults. I'd argue his behavior in-game is far more toxic and bad for the game, in terms of direct negative impact on the most amount of players, than some people getting wild in discord voice chat and stream sniping one guy they really don't like. EVERYONE in this situation has been toxic and needs to relax, including Avenger One, because this is a classic case of toxic people attracting more toxic people and starting a toxic vortex of toxicity.

  6. I REALLY REALLY hope that the developer behind Star Citizen does something about this. All those players should receive a life time ban from the game, with other gaming company's (as well as their real life job companies if applicable) taking notice and having some consequences. That isn't talking trash or playing toxic, that is outright abuse, harassment and slander with REAL world actions! I would say that perma-banning these criminals should be the LEAST that happens, and they should even be brought up on criminal charges!

  7. avengerone is a hypocrite, I have screenshots of his organization playing victim after doxing and attacking people IRL because we whooped their ass in game. he has been targeted by other groups because of things he started. I guarantee you this isn't the whole story and he's using YouTube to cry to the masses. they have been racist towards hispanic people and then inject politics into their arguments to place themselves on the HighGround. i find it disgusting that levelcap associates with AO and is defending him. Avengerone is no different from liberty and I have the proof.

  8. Aslo, why is this concerning? This is how all factions in conflict operate. The best way to end your opponent is from within. Trojen Horse, Coup De Estat, etc.

  9. You deserve what you get when you launch this goofy ahh game lol. Starfield is where the good stuff is at.

  10. Hmm like the point but this in way even qfter ser er meshing I would say would be regionally locked. So shards or not ping is still a massive problem for many toxic players to this day.

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