
GTA 6 has patented a new locomotion system to make “highly dynamic and realistic animations”

GTA 6 has patented a new locomotion system to make “highly dynamic and realistic animations”


  1. imapissonitdripdrip

    Now just announce the release date so I know when I have to obtain a 4090 by.

  2. alex_shrub

    Honestly tired of Rockstar’s insistence on making “realistic” animations take priority over snappy controls. When I press left I want my character to go left not have the input slapped through a system that adds in an extra 76 turnaround frames and then trips on their own shoelaces.

  3. Hopefully this means it’ll play more like a normal third person shooter than Goat Simulator

  4. Without seeing how it looks, this is just fluff and advertisement for a game that basically hasn’t even been announced yet.

  5. fuck game patents.

    this why we don’t have the nemesis system outside shadow of war franchise

  6. Single player is going to be mind blowing. Online will drag out for as long as possible and be predatory as fuck

  7. One company is still trying to improve their already excellent animations while another company is still using the 20 YO same animations, I’m looking at you Bethesda.

  8. KhaosElement

    …do you still have to mash a button to sprint though?

  9. Githzerai1984


    Oh shit it’s all going to be catch the train missions

  10. PurpleLego

    Kinda hate the fact you can patent that kind of shit but here we are

  11. Bossmandude123

    I thought there was going to be a new train for a second

  12. TheUrPigeon

    Boss I adjusted an integer on this line, so we can go forward with that “new locomotion system” headline whenever you want.

  13. Kodi_Kitten

    Can’t wait for it to take 5 seconds and 8 meters of clearance to turn around 😀

  14. GhostZenon

    Maybe the reason why this game is taking so long it’s because they’re upgrading their game engine.

  15. stealthwatermelon

    but will it be fun?

    was really looking forward to rainbow 6 extraction, but the alien goo mechanic that slows you down everywhere you walk and run..

    you clear it by shooting it

    you end up spending the game shooting everywhere you have to run, and it feels like you are constantly cleaning the floors at home doing chores

    bitch im playing a game so i dont have to

  16. NotYetSoonEnough

    Will that make their running animations look like the animators actually tried to observe a human running?

  17. noishmael

    I’m just glad they’re really trying to be “more culturally sensitive” rockstar really shines when it toes the modern PC line, excellent non-offensive language /s

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