FPS Games

Trying to SURVIVE on DayZ #shorts


  1. Made a fire by dropping your tinder next to one of the big new trees, the smoke is basically invisible

  2. People need to remember that in dayz you are never alone someone is almost always watching

  3. i have been playing chernarus and livonia for 220 hour and i have been doing good on this one play through and i said to my brother we could play sakhal after i died but i know im going to live like 800 hours just because i slightly want to die to play sakhal

  4. when you want to die you live 10 hours when you want to live you get shot by a freshie 1 hour in

  5. I usually have someone run in and go all Danny devito, so anyway I started blasting, on me. Or on the unlucky occasions I die and then my friend sends me a party invite (on PlayStation) and then tells me he's sorry he killed me and didn't know it was me 😂

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