FPS Games

This might be the last World War Two FPS Game…

World War 2 FPS games are not fashionable anymore and Battlefield 5 might be one of the last ever. Will we see it again though? Let’s discuss. Leave a LIKE and a comment, thanks for watching.


  1. Man after playing this again today, the destruction is absolutely nuts. Levelling that house was so fun, really want that back in the next Battlefield game.

  2. This is one of my favourites along with others, I've spent thousands over the years improving graphic cards 😅 now my system is broken. I like watching your videos 👍

  3. I love this game, but Battlefield 1 was the greatest BF game. I wish the campaign was more but the multiplayer maps and conquest the night maps shooting flares

  4. I’m sorry but is nobody else bothered by the fact that jack doesn’t know the difference between cheddar and Swiss cheese?!

  5. biggest of what-if in fps history, what if they pulled through on the eastern front content

  6. I was just thinking about your channel not being able to see any new videos. Thank you for making such awesome videos 🙂

  7. I’d rather see Dice explore a more futuristic setting with grounded combat on different planets. Would like to see Dice’s take on a futuristic HK or AK platform. WWII games are let’s just be honest boring and limiting.

  8. EA / Dice should make BF 1, 2 and 3. Then release updated version of each every three years. One of course WW I, nextWW II and the BF three would be modern game between "Beethoven" and "Murky waters" or what ever mercenary troops that take part of conflicts of near future.

  9. I'm not concerned on how WW2 shooters will look in the future. As computing power increases and AI get's smarter we will see things go from strength to strength. If there was the will for it then we could see campaigns that are continuous operations from start to end. Imagine we have all of Operation Overlord, all of Market Garden, all of the island hopping, the entire Burma campaign and the "forgotten army". AI could make it so all this exists and it's not too much workload for the devs, then the increase in computing could have these bigger and more detailed than ever.

    The concern I have is how we look at WW2 is changing, the further we move away from it. I worry that because things are already too taboo for devs to include that in 10 years everything to do with WW2 will be taboo so nobody will touch it. I worry that the conflict will be rewritten to suit modern agendas and modern audiences and rather than us experience the battles how they were we are too busy arguing over the who, how and why.

    It's a damn shame because I want nothing more than to play through the Burma campaign and have that story told because it's one of the allies' best. 1.9 million Indian volunteers, British, Auzzies, New Zealanders including Maori, Americans, Chinese, everyone came together to push the IJA off the mainland.

  10. I know some people might disagree, but I still have hope for VR. And I'm not talking about clunky headsets and awkward controllers… in 10 to 15 years we might see full on Black Mirror simulation type of VR. Some people might find it scary but I'm ready to welcome it, call me crazy 😀

  11. I remeber all of the negative post mostly being about the woman with the prosthetic arm. People went nuts over that, and called for a boycott because they wrongly assumed no women ever fought in WW2. The second biggest complaint was about the game not going to all of the same old played out locations. They could have added those maps at some point, but EA/Dice pulled the plug on the game. They should have kept it going imo. The game has great movement mechanics, and gunplay. The vehicles were fun (i loved the dofights in the fighters myself, my favorite part of the game), and the sound design was awesome. I loved that my character would whimper in fear when a frag grenade would land nearby, or start counting kills while sniping.

  12. It comes in waves. WW1/2 made a huge comeback because COD focused on jetpacks too much and people started hating it after Infinite Warfare. Then they made way too many WW1/2 games and people started hating on it, plus the way EA/Dice handled BF5's launch. "Don't like it don't buy it" I'll never forget how EA's CEO said that to consumers, it has shaped my buying habits since (I don't preorder because of that). All that came from DICE saying disabled women fought in WW2 and won us the war.

  13. There should be… There is so much untapped potential in WW2 games. Ok gun variety might be sparse, but weapons variety was plenty. Include grand battles with exciting new gamemodes, be authentic and incorporate the most important battles and it will definitely be a successful game. Just look at the praise and success bf1 got.

  14. I hope we have more ww2 games in the future. I’ve always been fascinated by this time period and had the most fun playing these style of games.

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